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Just throwing this out there

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2020-04-14 1:32:11 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 570 times Likes 6

If you're starting a new character you're to do two weeks away, it's in our rules.  If you're just changing a name or gaining "freedom", ie going from a rp slave to some other status, this is not necessary.  This is just the way it is, I've had to do my own periods of time away, gutted it out just like everyone else who also had to do so.  I actually went outside, read books that aren't Gor-related, and talked to real live people, in person, who have no idea what "Gor rp" is and would think me creepy if i told them.  It's true!  Take the time to read people's roleplay posts to see how they affect you and vice-versa, ask around about what's going on and be a little more informed on your next go-round.


This little reminder isn't meant to cause an argument  here or sudden inflammatory blogs possibly with closed comments elsewhere but I'm sure it will anyway.  If this is to turn into a battle of wits, please...PLEASE make sure to come armed, even if the wits are dull?  I know someone out there'll try it, because there's one in every community, only we have more than a few.   Just don't start raving by the second paragraph. 

2020-04-17 2:58:24 pm
That particular Q can be anyone he wants.
2020-04-19 4:43:10 pm
2020-04-25 11:30:28 pm
lol ... so mean, just so mean