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Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2020-05-02 11:10:48 pm Category Comedy Viewed 352 times Likes 5

So...Um.  Yeah.   Them verses.


The guy in question doesn't fit any of those.  If anything, those passages tell us to beware people that post stuff like this to get attention.  "Believe not every spirit..."?  Good advice.  Here's one that's also good advice.


2 Peter 1:20-21

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.


So, you can't really put random verses up there and claim the president is the source of evil on the planet.  Unless you claim in v21 there, that God told you to do it.  And that's a whole new can of worms.  I'd vote again for him though.  He's got some issues, some that really get on my nerves, but he's done a lot more than the last few of his predecessors.  It's about time we had a guy in there that knows how businesses work, instead of a career system manipulator.  Some people just can't accept Killary lost. 

2020-05-03 12:11:26 am
Master...i was saying the same thing but you could not put comments on his where did it say the it did mention that the person was not for God but we know Trump to pray and wan'ts to make American great..i would think the scriptures talked about someone AGAINST..i say Trump 2020
2020-05-03 1:27:44 am
I must agree with you both. The verses that were presented are talking about the false prophet and that's one thing that Trump isn't. He's just a man trying to do the job that he was elected into. Now...the "career" polits...they are another story entirely, and I can see how they ALL fit into what was described. I took time to read more than the offered verse though, so that a clearer perspective was revealed. That's why God calls upon us all to find out for ourselves, and not be led as sheeple.
2020-05-03 1:28:33 am
(cont'd) But seek Him for the answers.
2020-05-03 8:11:10 am
thank you Lady i agree
2020-05-03 10:58:41 am
Quite a few scholars I've met and others whose papers I've read have said that this little country of ours isn't actually represented in the Bible except in a "the whole world" sort of way. We don't really know what nationality the person or people talked about in those verses are going to be because the Bible doesn't come out and say it. People will eventually find out. Probably won't be American. Not enough symbolism to prove it. But this was drama. Had to point it out. Silly Dems.
2020-05-03 2:31:03 pm
Thank you Master and Mistress for saying here what many were probably thinking yet could not post on the closed blog. And a thank you as well to aeternum. Points well made by all.
2020-05-03 4:33:18 pm
It'll be a Nostradamus prediction next, or something else fantastical. Maybe something out of like the Enquirer, like, Trump is the father of the bat boy that keeps popping up every so often that somehow never ages, or secret conferences with bigfoot and aliens. The illegal kind, not Close Encounters. Trump doing the Naruto run outside Area 51? Trump cuts a deal with Cuba so everyone gets a free cigar next time there's a stimulus package? Conspiracies abound.
2020-05-03 4:39:27 pm
Corrects my wording..The sad thing is , as ridiculous as those ideas that are put out there, there will always be some who will actually buy into it and believe it.
2020-05-05 6:04:24 pm
good point Master
2021-01-04 3:18:04 pm
There was no cigar with this current stimulus package. Just an update.
2021-01-06 3:12:12 pm
Really can't call it a stimulus. It's a bait and switch distraction from what's been going on and will continue until we're all back on the Animal Farm.