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Dalamar's Profile

Current Mood: Bored
Dalamar (Dalamar, *)
Male - 52 years old, Pace, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Updated: 2025-01-13 8:26:38 pm Viewed 1,000 times Likes 12

A large man, 6'7& 275lbs., 3ft arm reach. I carry a short sword on my right hip, and a long sword on my left, shoulder length black hair, green eyes, muscular build.  I normally dress in an all white linen outfit  including a white wide-brimmed hat except for the boots, which are either black or brown.

I own and drive a large housewagon pulled by four bosk, complete with an overhanging of canvas on a wooden frame meant for shade and to keep the rain off.

I've been around since MSN chats (I started in Port Kar) when Gor was a big thing, so I've got a lot of experience for people to draw on.  I don't mind answering questions so long as the questioner isn't an ass about it.

I have claimed Alina for my woman, on the date 9/2/2019.  She lives with me, in my wagon.  I'm glad that there are no objections.  None that matter, anyway.


I am not a "real Gorean".  I am merely a roleplayer.  I do not actually own a wagon, not even a little red wagon people would want to fix for me.  I don't even look like the character I portray, though i really wish I did.  "Goreans" do not exist.  People who can't separate fantasy from reality, do.  If this bothers you, you might need therapy, and easing up on the "paga".