Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

The Time Has Come ...

Current Mood: Dirty
★CоώвоӱsҒẫη★ (Vincent, Nunya)
Male - 56 years old, Ontario, California, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2020-02-12 4:16:58 pm Category General Viewed 740 times Likes 0

I first started chatting in chatrooms on a site called excite ... it was kind of like yahoo and similar all in one websites. Met someone there at the beginning of 2002 and followed them over to MSN. I chatted there for a couple years and helped run a room there. Met some people back then that I still call friend and we are still in contact. Some are even on Buzzen. Some things changed in my situation and I took a 4 yr hiatus from chat. Returned to chat in the summer of 2008. This time it was here on Buzzen. So its been more than 11 years. I have met some incredible people and some of them have chosen to allow me a place in their lives where its not just a quick hello now and then in a room of chatters. We have gone beyond that and had conversations (some voice or phone) away from the chatroom. Connected with many people thru email and then myspace (lol ... its still around ya know? ), facebook and skype.

Once again I have to come to a place in my life situation where things are changing such that chat is just not going to be viable and a place where I am found very often. Within 2 weeks my presence in the rooms on Buzzen will be gone, perhaps not completely forever never to be seen again, however weeks and months between appearances will for sure be the norm. I'll still be connecting with people in email and facebook and messages here on buzzen and perhaps even skype still as well.

I just want to thank all my online friends for years of fun and friendship, I treasure it all very much and I love you. To the Buzzen staff I say thank you for the website and the service it provides. I have always said it is the best chat website on the internet and noone has ever been able to prove me wrong.

I could go on and on here but I just wanted to leave a short note for whoever gives a crap lol ... cyas and stay in touch if you like

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2020-02-13 10:59:41 pm
Take care Vincent, I'm going to miss you. You were one of my first friends here on Buzzen and I'm so glad we still are. (K)(L)
2020-02-16 4:54:03 pm
Angel thanks .... Country you as well, take care ... 52, ya maybe once in a while ... Marie thank you
2020-02-16 4:54:58 pm
Yeah Sasha I know ... I will miss being in the room with you also. Our friendship may have started here but it will go on in other forms and locations (K)(L)(K)(L)