What is a friend?
Definition: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.
What being a friend means to me?
A person that I can trust. Someone that will be brutally honest, whether I like what they are telling me or not. That I can speak with, openly and honestly, without being judged. That I can ask for advice. Someone that will listen when I have problems, will encourage when I am feeling down, will laugh with me when I am happy and will cry with me when I am sad.
It doesn’t mean we have to spend every free moment together, it doesn’t mean that we have to live in the same town, state, or even country.
Most of all, no one can be a friend alone. Everything that you may receive, you must be willing to give in return.
I have made many good friends in real life and online, across the street and across the ocean. I am fortunate to be blessed with such friendship.
I just wanted to say “Thank you for being my friend and let me be Yours”