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♥Rαιη™'s Profile

Current Mood: Complacent
Female - 44 years old, *, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Updated: Yesterday 8:50:23 pm Viewed 47 times Likes 0

 You Know what I am?...

I'm a Happy Bitch. A Cheerful Bitch, full of Joy.

Like I will literally tell someone to fuck right off while I skippity skip my way into a Field of beautiful Fucking flowers and enjoy the rest of my day



I spent too many sleepless nights worrying about all the things that didn’t work out for me and I didn’t really notice all the amazing things that worked out better than I expected.

I was so focused on the closed doors that I didn’t always see the other ones that opened instead.

I thought I always knew what I wanted and needed, but the truth is, I really never had a clue what was best.

It was only when I started realizing that my blessings were bigger than my problems and that somehow, I always ended up right where I needed to be..

That’s when I finally turned the corner.

I stopped asking “why not?”

I started embracing change and possibility.

I won’t tell you it doesn’t hurt when something goes wrong, I lose a friend, love goes bad or an opportunity disappears, but now, I keep it in perspective:

What’s meant to be will always find a way and beating myself up only makes me miserable…

And life is too beautiful to live in that place.

I deserve to be happy and that’s what I remember when the disappointment pops in.

I know that something better is on the way.

I’m not a patient person, so that has been the biggest challenge of my life, but I get a little better at it the longer I keep at it.

I still want what I want when I want it, but now, when I don’t always get it, I just suck it up and keep going.

A setback doesn’t mean I’ve failed.

It just means I need to find another way or another solution.

Some friends aren’t there forever.

Some love doesn’t always work out.

Some chances don’t always happen.

But what I can control is me-

My attitude, my choices and my happiness.

I’m not going to tell you it’s easy, but I do know now that it’s worth it..

Each heartbreak, every letdown and even the loss.

I learn from everything.

I grow.

I try to be better today than I was yesterday.

I won’t ever know everything, but I do know this:

It’s all up to me and I can do this.

My life, my way, my happiness.

One beautiful day at a time.

And when I get to the next mountaintop, maybe I’ll start learning to fly.

Watch out world…

This girl was meant for greatness.