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Gorean Laws

Current Mood: Enthralled
Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara (*Larry, *Casten)
Male - 82 years old, *Ven'dara, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Divorced

Posted: 2018-04-05 10:33:07 pm Category General Viewed 503 times Likes 5

To clarify...Never at any time has ALL Gor recognized any single standard on any issue whatsoever...lacking any universally recognized standard has always reverted back to...No law is effective beyond your city walls.... Any city, camp, ship, wagon may adopt their own rules and endeavor to enforce them.... Any Group of sites may agree on a specific item and enforce it among themselves but not beyond.


Previous Blog

2018-04-07 3:22:03 pm
*holds up my hand* Before you launch into a tirade to end all tirades, like a boulder catapulted back on yourself, I'll remind you of yet another cliche. " Methinks you protest too much".
2018-04-07 3:23:53 pm
The end, amen.
2018-04-10 9:57:43 pm
The most glaring violation of those oft referred standards that I see often today, no matter how long a persona has been dead or gone, when that real life returns, very few even try to forget that past life and truly treat the new persona as a truly new person. The past is not forgotten nor forgiven. As a whole we do not treat....the past is past. For most..the past is alive and well... To Gor's detriment!