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when life tumbles down

Current Mood: Bewitched
Caney (*, *)
Female - 63 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2015-08-02 3:14:07 pm Category General Viewed 19 times Likes 0

From time to time life takes a fall and one thinks that life might not get up and move on.  Yesturday was a day like that for me.  I told my mother the truth I have kept locked up inside me for 50 plus years.  I was at my wits end and finally told her why I believe she destroyed my life.  I gave a detail that I swore to myself I would take to my grave.  Last night I laid in bed and gave it alot of thought if telling the truth was my intent or making her suffer the way I have suffered for over 50 years.  Today I believe telling her was not a good thing. My life isnt better or less painful for sharing this memory.  I inflicted emotional pain on her for revenge.  I wish I could take the truth back.  So you might want to think carefully before telling the truth.