Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

history repeats until we learn and change

Current Mood: Bewitched
Caney (*, *)
Female - 63 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2015-08-26 5:05:02 am Category General Viewed 27 times Likes 0

Thinking back yet again about old msn chat and buzzen in its haydays. I cant help  being reminded why in my opinion both failed.  The over use of and priority of scriptors.  Those that run bots and falsely believe that chat depends on the use of bots.  A typical example of their failed policies is a room I on occassion frequent that recently allowed a scriptor to join in as a regular chatter.  The usual moves where they enter as a regular chatter and progress to being allowed to bring their scripts and bots in and of course they obtain a gold.  And I quote from decades of chat," I can protect the room and........."  And that is how it starts.  But how it ends is  always the room numbers of real chatters decline and longtime hosts drop hammers or leave.  If a room needs a scriptor to be safe its a failure of the chat server and staff.  Chat might have been created by scriptors but remains because of loyal non tech chatters.  And if chat is ever to rise from the ashes and regain its former glory it will be because of non tech chatters.  Technology has been developed so humans can reach out to other humans in a more efficient manner.  I for one do not want a love affair with a program.  I prefer a kind hearted human that will listen to my random thoughts and genuinely give a dam..