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revisit the topic of chat bullies

Current Mood: Bewitched
Caney (*, *)
Female - 63 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2015-09-02 9:19:21 pm Category General Viewed 25 times Likes 0

Well readers of the great and wise buzzen blogs.  An update on chat room bullies.  Same room same bully and same worthless hosts.  New victim/victims.  Since my last blog on this topic I have become a target.  Who cares until tonight when another chatter arrived and opened up about abuse in his childhood. Same bully thrashed him for opening up and same worthless spineless hosts said nothing.  In my opinion having authority and not using it to defend others is equal to the crime of abuse and being a bully helper.  Just my opinion. Is chat so desperate for chatters that no line exists? No remark is low enough so inspire a moral code which use to exist in chat. Yet one host did ask asl tonight and when refused the answer slank off to nothing ville.  Perhaps chat has passed away into history and like a dinasaur the neurons die slowly.  And to think I passed on being in chat the last day of msn chat.  I wanted to avoid the drama. Avoid the pain of losing such a thrilling experience.  Wish I had that day back. Well for all the victims of bullies out there i say sorry. Dont listen to those that tell u negative things.  Afterall its just chat.