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The poor woman..clerk that would not allow gays to marry

Current Mood: Bewitched
Caney (*, *)
Female - 63 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2015-09-04 6:04:08 pm Category General Viewed 18 times Likes 0

I feel for her.  I believe she is defending her faith adn beliefs.  I do not think she should be put in jail.  I think it will cause a war based on religion.  I do think if u hold an elected or appointed government office u need to enforce the laws.  If for whatever reason the laws change and u dont feel u can enforce them u should resign.  Render unto caesar what is caesars.  I also believe the government should get out of the marriage business.  Allow civil unions and then allow the churches to do marriages.  I am not sure why a governmental official did not suspend her or replace her instead of forcing her into jail to defend her beliefs.  Perhaps just another form of ineffectual leaders elected or appointed.  I am for all adults to have the right to marry but I am also against people being forced to chose between their faith and freedom.  So in an odd way I am a supporter of this poor woman.  I chose freedom of faith over everything else.