This week....pope gives amnesty to women that have abortions, obama renames mountain, europe over run by refugees. Carbon taxes, melting icebergs. Not sure where to start. Climate change is the biggest gaff ever stuttered. Carbon levels very through history of the planet including time that predates mankind. Carbon taxes is just a rip. Mountains dont need to be renamed. If europe takes the fleeing refugees it will collapse their economies and fill their nations with terrorists. But do as u wish. Just remember charity begins at home. If u feel the need to help check with your neighbor. I dount God or Goddess would grant a blanket amnesty for those that get and perform abortions. I could be wrong. Trump is leading in the polls and bernie is now a real candidate according to the mainstream media. Clue, he has always been a legitimate candidate. The mainstream media is controlled and in reality quite boring. Thats why I chat to avoid listening to them too much. OMG Mrs Palin said and I quote, " people should speak american in the usa." The media almost had a stroke. I saw the interview and knew she would take a hit for saying that. But I agree with her. And palin would make a fine energy advisor. On a boring note I debated with a total loser about if buzzen needs to remake msn groups. Almost a mute point at this time. I am not sure even if they did at this late date buzzen could be saved. His obsession with people he believes r lacking in tech skills. Tech didnt make msn groups great it was the artistic addons that did. Cant wait til tomorrow..kidding