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so done with the endless pitty party

Current Mood: Bewitched
Caney (*, *)
Female - 63 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2014-02-09 1:59:55 pm Category General Viewed 55 times Likes 0

On the recent hollywood news yet another actor has died from drug overdose.  The mainstream media went bananas as ususal and the police hunted down those involved in selling him the drugs.  Has the world lost it's perverbial mind?  Not one voice speaking up and saying well another loser has left the room.  I feel no pitty for those that chose to take drugs and die.  I feel pitty for those that strive to do their best and survive with hard work.  He did drugs in the same home with children and yet not one word saying what a total ass he was for exposing children to the horror of drugs.  Those that abuse drugs do not deserve our pitty or tax dollars.  They need to be pointed toward the nearest gutter.

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