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Dunn with petty junk, back to Happy places!

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2015-11-23 10:47:31 am Category General Viewed 47 times Likes 0

Allright!  job dunn, and Gor turns!  It's good to 'understand' each other. Sometimes we are too quick to Judge, Some have Tempers, Some can't deal with Tempers! It's O K. Just Breathe, then Laugh., at selves and Others.

...waves to EveryOne from the surf and sand...yells:  YEah, there are sharks, but the water is GREAT!