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Unusual eve on Picarroon island.

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2015-12-10 5:01:29 am Category General Viewed 44 times Likes 0

RP entrance via ship, No stowaways, unless you like swimming with sharks

" these islands were not united... the government of them was no more than a village council. " Raiders of Gor

› XXXX has joined the conversation.

XXXX respectfully the beast kneels there asking to enter

CHaldea : is there something about RP entrance that you dont understand? 

CHaldea : better RP an entrance

CHaldea : no one comes here without a ship, and stoways get thrown to sharks, so whats your deal?

CHaldea : are you that new to Gor? ignorance?

CHaldea : If so, I might listen to you 

CHaldea : now answer those questions

XXXX: i am learning Gor Mistress, please forgive me

CHaldea : traveling alone 

CHaldea : and you choose an island with MY rules clearly stated.. or get tossed to sharks hmmm

CHaldea leans back

XXXX : yes Mistress, i will do as You tell me, please and obey You as i don't wish to get eaten

XXXX looks down, kneeling there hands crossed on thighs

CHaldea : and dont DARE touch ME or come nearer

XXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea : why running freely if u a slave

XXXX : i didn't like some of the Master's they are mean

› Penelope~Vendara~Merchant has joined the conversation.

XXXX : because They is busy with their slaves most of the time

CHaldea looks out seeing a ship

CHaldea :watch. this is how RP is done

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant stands upon the deck of the Sea Turtle, and watches the small but densely packed island get closer and closer...

XXX nods as i watches

XXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea walks down to the beach to see who it is


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant Captain Morgan suddenly hollers "DROP ANCHOR! Brace for full STOP!"

I grabbed onto the mast and wrapped a bit of rigging line about Meself and held on!

CHaldea sees the ship anchor, and some crew lowering a small skiff

XXX watches quietly as another ship comes closer

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant as soon as the anchor hit the bottom of the shoals, it dragged a few hundred feet then latched onto a secure coral bed.

The ship came to a shudderingly abrupt halt, a ha'pasang from the shore...

CHaldea : (a ship cannot come up to an island it has to stay in the deep)

CHaldea : (thus, taking a smaller craft to the beach)

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Oy Vey! I'm gonna have a rope burn! Captain! This is coming from YOUR pay!

I told You We were getting too close!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant Morgan chuckled, and took out His spying crystal and squinted one eye into it, searching intently.

"I see a skiff approaching!" He yelled back at Me.

CHaldea frkn Hears Me Friends voice travel over Words End 'hahahah

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant rolled Me eyes at the Captain and had the crew lower My personal dinghy into the water.

CHaldea nodding smiling, knowing wut Visitor approaches My Island

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : As I climbed down the ladder and stepped gingerly into the smaller craft, I called back up to Him,

"Well when it gets here, You just send it right back. I'm gonna go ahead!"

XXX listens and smiles, walks around the edge of the ship as i feels the fresh air

CHaldea : (slave, the ship is not landing. a small boat will be soon)

CHaldea cants Me head to the slave, frowning. snaps Me fingers and points to a sand dune

CHaldea : Go kneel over there

XXX : yes Mistress

XXXx stands and walks over to the sand dune and kneels there, wondering how long for

CHaldea : NEVER approach a Free without permission

XXXX : yes Mistress

XXX listens and understands

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant the four Men rowing the boat soon had her scraping the bottom against fine white powder.

They got out, and pulled....and dragged enough of the dinghy out of the water for Me to clamber out without getting My shoes wet!

I looked around the shore and saw a figure a few hundred yards away, and waved.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : TAL! Chaldea, I hope that's You!

CHaldea laffffing, wondering why they parked way over there!

CHaldea : aye it's MEEEE

CHaldea goes to meet HER

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant sailors can't see iffen they be a-rowing backwards...They intended to land right next to Ye

CHaldea : em..ok cuz, like I have a DOCK too

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant laughing, I trudged over the sand and met with My good Compatriot

CHaldea meets up to Her, 1st pretends to curtsy

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : You do? Good thing they didn't try for it. Would have probably missed and ended up underneath

CHaldea laffs and gives Her a hug and tried w rt hand to rap' a noogy to Her skull

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant Blehs, and gives the Woman a big hug, since We were beyond the conventional trappings of the City.

CHaldea : NOW is This not, Paradise?

CHaldea : Pi.. er Merchant Woman?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Good to see You again! So....this is Yer home, eh? It's very....islandish...

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : There's a lot of....water, Chal. A WHOLE lot of water!

XXX looks about, wonders what else happens here

CHaldea : a Large island amid several small ens.. full of caves with TREASURE

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant eyes lit up at the "T" word...

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Ya don't say!

CHaldea : hahah!

CHaldea : years worth some I put Meself, some waitin ta be found!

CHaldea : this no account island is FN Wealthy

CHaldea grabs Her arm and steps quickly to Me humble cottage

XXXX runs hands through the sand wondering what else i can do

CHaldea snaps fingers at the slave, meaning = heel, follow but not too close

XXX looks to Mistress and stands up Her looking at Her boots and crawls there, eyes lowered as She walks

CHaldea up the porch steps, and into the cool shade, offering Her a seat on a real cushy chair

CHaldea looks at the slave, says

CHaldea : open the trap door on the floor in kitchen. go down steps

XXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea : fetch a bottle of kalana, a bota of paga and ICE

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant wondered when Chaldea acquired a slave, ...

CHaldea looks to Pen sighs

CHaldea : I dint order no slave

CHaldea : Im tryin to figure wuts best for it  **makes a 'derrrp" face.

XXX walks into the kitchen and sees a large trap door and pulls it open, the slave with dark hair and blue eyes steps down carefully and takes a bottle of kalana, paga and a bucket of ice climbing back up and closes the trap door, lifting the two bottles and bucket, walks over to the boots of Mistress Chaldea and kneels, lowering forehead to the floor and hands over the bottles and ice saying

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Oh....kay....Where is it from? What's the back story? I know the PK's don't bring barbarians here on a regular basis anymore.

XXXX: Your bottle of Kalana, Paga and Ice Mistress

CHaldea nods to slave

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : so...gotta be home grown

CHaldea : slave, scoot back a pace. NO one touches ME boots

xXXX : yes Mistress

XXXX places the bottles there and moves back

CHaldea : yes Pen

CHaldea : make yerself a that drink You like Pen

CHaldea takes down a kalantini glass for Her

CHaldea sits back while She makes Her concoction, I think' and glance at the slave

XXXX looks up at the two Free Women as She go about preparing the drinks

CHaldea : you are lucky so far

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant grinned, and took the kalana and paga. opening the paga first, I pour a fourth of the liquid into the glass, then follow that with ice and kalana over the ice. I stirred the concoction with a slender finger, then looked over at Chaldea and asked

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : You want one too?

CHaldea : yes Please, Pen

XXXX looks to Mistress and says

XXXX: lucky Mistress, yes Mistress

CHaldea grabbed another glass, handing it to Her

CHaldea : you dont have a clue as to why, though. sad.

XXXX nods as i thinks on Her words, blue eyes looks at the Free Women

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant accepted the glass Chal held out and repeated the mixology, creating another fantastic kalanatini for My Hostess.

CHaldea : most anywhere else, you may have been caged or be killed immeditately

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Here Ya go, I put a wee bit more paga in Yours since I know You like the paga more.

CHaldea : its a law

CHaldea reaches out taking it with both hands, smiling

CHaldea : thank Ya Matey

CHaldea continues a speech

XXXX: yes Mistress

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant took a seat with My drink, in the wide cushioned chair and took a long sip of the refreshing beverage

CHaldea : this island, is My law

CHaldea : its going to go like this

CHaldea : listen carefully I ainta gonna repeat

CHaldea takes a sup and shudders a tiny bit'.. was on the wagon a whole day!

CHaldea : two choices, slave

XXXXX listens and watches

CHaldea : I do not have Time for a slave. No Time

CHaldea looks to Pen like.. want one?

XXX listens and nods, understand

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant chuckled softly and shook My head...

CHaldea chuckles

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I've got alessandro. He is a handfull, lemme tell Ya!

CHaldea : oh no, dont tell Meh

CHaldea hand palms out at Pen

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : However...Vendara is always open to new slave flesh.

CHaldea : oh?

CHaldea ner' shocked brows both raised

CHaldea takes another sip

CHaldea : slave

CHaldea : while We decide yer fate, go into that huge barn that looks like an old ship. and......

CHaldea waits

CHaldea : do I have yer attentions

XXXx looks to Mistress

XXXX : yes

CHaldea : good

XXXX : but can i stay here and be useful Mistress?

CHaldea : ..and milk the MUM Verr, into the pail, and put it down in cold room

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : slaves don't get to pick where they end up, or even where they start. They are a commodity. You....are a commodity.

CHaldea : go make yerself useful NOW

XXXXXX stands slowly, walks with gentle ease and sees the large barn, stepping inside and the beast verr is there, kneeling underneth and begins to squeeze the cups and milk into the pail

CHaldea takes Me pipe out of tunic pocket, fiddles with it, thinkin, then looks to Pen

XXXX working hands, filling the pail as i milks and watches the liquid fill the container, careful not to spill he lifts it and carries it gingerly down into the cold room, setting the cover and storing it for later

CHaldea : iffin I de collar it,... are Ya willin to take it back to Vendara?

CHaldea : as that would be 3rd option

CHaldea as slave returns, I point to where it will kneel, as afore

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : That'd be tricky, since its is a runaway. If owner wanted it back, We would have to surrender it. , I think.

XXXX kneels where Mistress told me, soft hands rest upon thighs

CHaldea whispers to Pen a bit..

XXXX knowing i is here to please the Free , thinking i will have to be a good slave to please well knowing a firm hand is what i needs

CHaldea thinks outloud

CHaldea : it's gonna be, 1) it leaves on the Sea Turtle with Ya

CHaldea : 2) I cut its collar off and let it run wild

CHaldea : 3) I have Him dig a hole

CHaldea guesses by Her look at Me,.. I chuckle

XXX gasps as i looks across saying

XXXX : well, i could be kept here and work hard Mistress?

CHaldea rt hand tries to reach n unsheaths Her tarn knife, tryin to take it out and point it to it's eyes while I leans forward slowly...

CHaldea : did I say you could speak?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant looked at the slave resignedly

XXXX gasps eyes lower seeing the knife

CHaldea : you is one LUCKY slave

CHaldea : that Im in a ponderin mood

XXXX : yes Mistress

XXXX keeps eyes lowered

CHaldea : the Lady Penelope is considering wut to do, you might have another day of livin

XXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea leans back

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Vendara can hold a runaway for a month before claiming it as abandoned.

CHaldea : ha!

CHaldea : Trust Meh, No Prior owner will be a lookin for it.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : But in that time, if the Owner come to claim it in that time, We have to give it over.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : That is the law

CHaldea : If they look

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : If they look, yes.

CHaldea says to slave

CHaldea : go to shed. get a shovel, go a few paces into jungle and dig a hole. We will see wut yer worth is

XXXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea : let Me know ya understand...ok

CHaldea : go on then

CHaldea hands Pen an empty 'tini' glass.

XXXX walks over to the shed and takes a shovel, dragging it behind walks with fear over to the jungle area and begins digging a large hole, its hard work, but i can do it! good muscles. as i digs the hole in a square shape, large and neat

CHaldea burps

CHaldea : bleh, less kalana in refill please Pen

CHaldea Elsa me jit comes flying through the porch and out to swear chatter at the slave, she Hates new slaves not met properly with introductoin!

CHaldea : DUCK!!!!!!!!!!

CHaldea laffffs hardily

XXXX walks back and kneels there and says

XXXX: hole ready Mistress

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant /me takes the glass, and pours 3/4ths of paga into the glass, and 1/4th kalana over ice, chuckling.

Mixed it thoroughly, and held it out to ---ACK!!

CHaldea : hahahahahaa

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant sloshed a bit, but held steady....

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : What the heck, Chaldea?

CHaldea holds Her belly laffin

CHaldea jit comes back inside climbin to Me shoulder

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant switched hands, and licked off the spillage from My fingers.

CHaldea : She guarding Us

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Waste of good liquor!

CHaldea : ohnoooo

CHaldea : well, ther's more

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Oh, well...that's different then. Who was that lil hairy Warrior?

CHaldea whispers to Me jit 'goood girll'

CHaldea : You aint met Elsa?

CHaldea : jit bin with Me for a few years now

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant wonders if the jit drinks paga too...should I make another kalanatini?

XXX waits there, listening

CHaldea glares at the slave, sensing it's impatience

CHaldea Elsa chatters to Me ear..

CHaldea : I know, I know..

CHaldea : settle down now

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I had, I the North Forest...but it was dark and I was very disoriented.


CHaldea : in the NOrth? wow, must of escaped a carnival.

XXXX remains silent wondering what is happening

CHaldea : slave. You might be lucky enough to take ship passage tonight

CHaldea : and live another day

CHaldea : If I was you.. I'd be beggin Her to take ya, but dont touch HER!~

XXXX : yes Mistress, is She ... like You?

CHaldea : Im nay cruel or hard til it becomes neccessary.

XXX smiles

CHaldea : anyway, point being.

XXXX : this slave needs a strict Owner, Gor is harsh

CHaldea : It will give ya a better chance to live, if you speak when asked to, and not show imPatience!

CHaldea : fer Odin sake, yer in the presence of two of the most Wonderful FW livin. you should be thankful

XXXX : yes Mistress, i will please You both 

XXXX : yes Mistress, please and obey

XXXX: be a good beast

CHaldea nods slowly

CHaldea : the night aint dunn yanno

CHaldea : there is stil 3 ways for ya to end up

CHaldea : you may answer Me. Wut ya think the hole is for?

XXXX forces smiles and says

XXXX: perhaps my corpse?

XXX: if i die

CHaldea sips from the fresh made drink

CHaldea : or

CHaldea : end up in it, there while stil breathin, but not fer long


XXXX eyes close and presses forehead to the floor

CHaldea : (welcome bk frm afk)

XXXXX : oh Mistress, this beast begs

CHaldea : waittttttttttt

CHaldea : slave, I told ya

CHaldea : you speak when invited to

XXXX nods and remains quiet

CHaldea turns to Pen

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant wondered what had transpired whilst I was away...

CHaldea : If you feel like hearing wut slave has to say, I believe it wants to say somethin to you

XXXX says to Mistress Penelope, eyes lowered

CHaldea : beachball is in Your court, Pen

CHaldea : waiiiitttt

CHaldea : damit, She dint ask ya ta speak

XXX stops

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant turned grey-green eyes towards the slave, right eyebrow arched imperiously...

CHaldea : Pen, help meh out here. ask it what it wants to say

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : What is it...slave?

CHaldea : aye, now talk ya goof!

XXX : this beast begs to allow to travel to Vendara to serve and please FRees and kept under lock and key

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : If I bring you to Vendara, you will be a city slave. Do you understand what that means? Any and all Free who wish to use you, may use you.

CHaldea lets Elsa taste the kalanatini

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Any and all Free are to be obeyed. You would serve the City, and be accountable to the Sar Himself.

XXX says

XXX : i see Mistress

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : you would have a kennel, three squares and all the chores yer lil slave heart can handle.

XXXX looks down at the floor

XXXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea hates the reply 'i see' grrrrssss, then hears an answer

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : There will be no touching of any Free Man or FW, and I will tell you why. On Gor, if a Woman couches a slave (that's have relations) that isn't Hers, She risks becoming enslaved.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I don't know of any Free Who want sex that badly.

XXX : yes Mistress i wont do that.


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Also, the slaves have enough with dodging Free Men without dodging randy slaves too.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : In Vendara, slaves ask to approach before running up on a Free.

XXX : yes Mistress

XXXX : are You a strict owner?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : You could get a knife in ya or ost poison from a hairpin.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant smiles....coolly.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : No, I am not.


CHaldea looks at slave

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : My slave pleases Me, and strives to be as I would have him be.

XXXX just past experience, used to being treated that way Mistress

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I have a personal, and I am happy with his devotion to My well being.

CHaldea : I suggest ya stop askin bout 'how' a Free chooses to train you, its RUDE!!

XXXX: yes Mistress

CHaldea nods

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : . A slave serves because it NEEDS to. Not because of any expectations of rewards or perks. or easy life.

XXXX nods

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : The only thing a slave desires is to be pleasing.

CHaldea low chuckle shakin Me head


XXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea turns to the Lady

XXXX : my owners, they too busy to train me. i want to feel the real Gorean ways

CHaldea : should I get out the....(stops)

CHaldea trys leaning forth to close distance to 1 ft, trying lift w rt hand, still holding knife tries thrust down to stab slaves thigh, trying to plunge it into flesh and tries to pull it back out quickly, then leans back 

CHaldea waits for reaction

XXXX yelps feeling the knife slice into my left thigh and the pain is sharp and severe

XXXX : AAhhhh

XXXx looks down at the wound

CHaldea takes the paga bota, squirts some to the wound

CHaldea : ther, all betta

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I'll give you one week before frustration drives you out. Gor is a harsh planet to live on. Gotta be hard, BUT noone in their right mind (which most Goreans are) is harsh because it is pleasing.

CHaldea : like I said

XXXX yelps and cries out feeling the paga seep into the wound as i kneels there, eyes watering

CHaldea : night is young

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Lookit...We got giant freaking birds that eat people, We got giant freakin fish, lizards and aliens trying to kill Us. We've got PLANTS that try to eat us. Why would We want that kind of adrenaline stress all the time?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Not to mention, the backstabbing competitions, warring cities, homestones, and households.

XXXX : yes Mistress

CHaldea holds the knife up, Elsa knows wut to do. she goes and cleans it in wash barrell

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I expect MY home to be friggin PLEASANT when I knock off for the day.

XXXX nods

CHaldea sups from the drink, sees jit come bk, jumps to Me lap, gently handing bk the knife

CHaldea : slave, I swear by Power of Thassa..'

CHaldea : you talk about your needs agin

CHaldea : you aint leavin here livin


XXXX blinks twice

CHaldea : and if you dont, yer dead

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : If anyone in the relationship expects anything, it's Me! And I expect perfection and obedience.

CHaldea nods

CHaldea : slave.. as task for ya

CHaldea : go to My serpent ship 'the OMEN

CHaldea : at the docks

CHaldea : go to the X mark on deck

CHaldea : pull up the floor boards, 4 of em

CHaldea : bring Me the Chest from there, it's not heavy.

CHaldea : got it?

CHaldea waits

XXXx nods and walks over to the Serpent Ship and walks onto the deck and sees the large X and starts to pulls the floor boards up

XXXX : Yes Mistress

CHaldea : always start with YES Mistress before action

CHaldea : (wow it does alot in one post lol)

XXXX heaving them up one at a time, hands lift them onto and places neatly away,careful hands lift the chest out from underneth and then rope around it and drags it towards the boots of Mistress, kneeling there

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant fast))

CHaldea gestures slave 'scoot back as I need space

XXXX nods and moves back

CHaldea takes a key from belt and smoothly clicks the lock open.

CHaldea opens it just for ME eyes, and's all there as I left it

CHaldea then flips cover til it all the way open so slave can see cleaned bones, a skeleton, folded over., like pretzel.

XXXX looks at the bones in the chest 

CHaldea then closes it

CHaldea rests Me boots crossed at ankles over it


CHaldea : only a good Friend gets such care at death

CHaldea : enemy or slave?

CHaldea : bones never found (most seriously)

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant smiled softly

CHaldea : I think we are clear now, are we not? you may answer

XXXX : yes Mistress

XXX looks down

CHaldea : good slave

CHaldea : now take this

CHaldea tosses slave binding fiber

CHaldea : tie off above the gash in yer leg

CHaldea : yer drippin on me floor

XXXX ties it above over the gash


CHaldea : noticed ya stil walk pretty good tho wounded

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : That's one sharp blade, Woman

CHaldea looks at Her

XXXX stands up and looks to the wound

CHaldea grins all Pirate like, sharp white teeths

XXXX standing there stretches arms and legs,

CHaldea : now slave, go to the barn water barrel and wash the blood off of ya

CHaldea : its pretty an all, but starts to stink after awhile

XXXX nods and walks over to the barn, and takes a large bucket of water and washes the wound , wraps cloth over the wound too. then heads to the Frees and stands there.

CHaldea arches a brow

CHaldea : goin somewheres?

CHaldea : need a swim?

CHaldea : kennel time? wut, you may answer

XXXX : no Mistress

XXXX : just stretching

CHaldea : welll stretch on into the kitchen, get a wash rep and get the blud stain off Me floor here

CHaldea points to it

XXXX nods then walks into the kitchen and reaches for a sudsy rep cloth and floor brush,..then back, on hands and knees scrubbing the red out of the floor

XXXX : that better Mistress?

CHaldea : aye

CHaldea : now put that rep in the burn basket

CHaldea : I dun want it no more

XXXXX nods dropping it carefully into the basket

XXXX : so what happens now Mistress?

CHaldea picks up the knife again...waves it at slaves other leg, impatience is a bad trait, Me hates it!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant waits for the slave to finish the task, then nods to two of the Men in My company. They bring manacles and leg irons, securing the slave efficiently. I walked over and looked up into it's eyes for a moment.

CHaldea : I dunno yit, depends ...

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : you go to sleep...

XXXX looks to Mistress and says

XXXX : yes Mistress, where?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant I removed the dart from My left pocket. Standing 1 ft away, I plunged the needle into other thigh, the auto inject activated.

CHaldea : ha!

CHaldea : good show M'Lady, Matey!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant capture serum renders a human unconscious within seconds and the Men stand by to catch the slave as it slumps to the ground unconscious.

XXXX feels a darkness

CHaldea : and dont make ME come after ya, I will KNOW ALL YOU do!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Carry it to the dinghy and lets make for the Sea Turtle. It's time ta go ta bed.

CHaldea walks out with the males carrying slave, smiles to Pen

CHaldea helps the Lady into her dingy thingy

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant I dunno about this, but mebbe after training, it'll do well on the market.


CHaldea : yeah..

CHaldea : sorry for the headache,

CHaldea helps them shove off the white sand in moons light

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : No worries. I know a sure fire cure for it.


XXXX: so my training starts?))

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant the fellows take up the oars and We begin the journey back to the ship....and home.

CHaldea : shut the f up slave))

CHaldea : night Pen Darlin

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I swear .. if you ooc one more time, I'm chucking yer knocked out arse into the Thassa))

XXXX: yes Mistress))

CHaldea Me and Elsa wave and smile bby by

› XXXX has left the conversation.

CHaldea : night lol

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : G'night!


2015-12-10 5:48:44 am
"Throw his sorry rask to the nine gills"....said a mean Master
2015-12-10 11:46:51 pm
you are correct ! I should have gone by instinct and let the sharks have a party... but, I only felt like 'stabbing' a little at the time er.. I mean, giving it one more hand of livin. it prolly dead now.