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Better Late Than Never II (All PK's Eve)

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2015-12-10 7:29:43 pm Category General Viewed 58 times Likes 0

› You are now known as VART GIRL.


Topic is: News: Harvest festival dedication ceremonies today. Entrail reading, casting of the stones. Good luck, and good harvest! Happy Halloween (Gorean Roleplay)


kyna~Niall : greetings, Mistress


VART GIRL came by Ram ship, ' GHOST


lexii~R~Lyd sparkling gems travel toward Mistress Penelope softly saying

lexii~R~Lyd : Greetings Mistress

VART GIRL leaped from one high point to the next, finally entering the city

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Woot! Looking faboolous, Vart Girl!

AlbusNiall smiles

AlbusNiall : Ah yes, the Initiates

VART GIRL : Of Course I do

lexii~R~Lyd : Greetings Mistress

AlbusNiall scowls some

CelticLord : nidan all you pretty triks

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : hiya kyna!

AlbusNiall : charging a criminal tithe, no doubt

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : how do, lexii!

VART GIRL : Tal EveryOne and everyone


CelticLord : Tal VART


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal and Welcome, Vart Girl! Keeping cities safe and danger free!

AlbusNiall blinks at the sight of Chaldea's costume


AlbusNiall then guffaws, roaring in laughter

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant chortles....


Aaminah~FW~Lydius : TalVart

AlbusNiall : Ohhhhh! VART Girl . . .


AlbusNiall : Thought it was something else for an ihn

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Heh...Knew He'd get it...


VART GIRL hands on hips, looking to Albus

lexii~R~Lyd Mistress Chaldea where, ohhh smiling sweeting as gems look toward Mistress


lexii~R~Lyd : Greeting Mistress

VART GIRL : tal pretty lexii

AlbusNiall smirks

kyna~Niall smiled seeing Mistress Chaldea dressed as a vart

kyna~Niall : greetings, Mistress

AlbusNiall : Never mind. Excellent costume.

AlbusNiall smiles warmly

VART GIRL takes a bow

VART GIRL : its Me mug shot

lexii~R~Lyd laughs

Aaminah~FW~Lydius : it is a good one Vart

VART GIRL : but, found the bestest pics, put in album, and read captions

VART GIRL : ty ty


AlbusNiall smiles realizing the great efforts Chaldea's put into this

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Well I know Who Best Costume goes to! Would You like a drink, Vart Girl?

lexii~R~Lyd laughs at the expression on her face

VART GIRL does a twist around flamboyantly with cape, then stops. Now appears Her real pet "Bart, the Vart" he is harmless.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : And Albus, the bar is stocked and awaits Your request!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant Bart the Vart must love this time of year

AlbusNiall laughs and looks to Bart the Vart, releasing kyna's leash and directing her to the bar with a wave of my hand

VART GIRL : harmless, unless you have a heart condition, as He could drop dead any Ihn, being so OLD

AlbusNiall : Interesting pet, Chaldea

VART GIRL sets him upon a rafter, so he can watch everyone

VART GIRL : we should take bets on if n when He croaks, tonight

Aaminah~FW~Lydius : yea a bit odd but interesting

AlbusNiall releases lexii's leash as well

AlbusNiall : go with kyna, you. and don't wander off.

› Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara is back.


AlbusNiall : Tal, Sar. Happy Harvest

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : I'm baAAAAACK

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : Happy All PKs Eve to each of ye


VART GIRL finds the bar, slams Her fist down on it. "PAGA"

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : ROFL....


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : isn't manned...the paga is on the second tier, in the botas. Bowls are on the third tier...

VART GIRL turns, and salutes Sar Cabot

AlbusNiall hopes it's a slave tending bar, and not a FM


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : tis self service...

VART GIRL grinned

VART GIRL : I just like doing that

AlbusNiall notices the bar goes untended, and looks to the slaves as they approach it


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant snickers


AlbusNiall : Well now! Looks like we've found a use for the two of you.


kyna~Niall turned in the direction of the bar,. She smiled as she approached the bar, sapphire eyes surveying the drinkware before finding the bowls. Finding one of beautiful silver,she drew a clean repcloth over its surface before turning toward the hearth, ladling the hot paga into the bowl.


VART GIRL leaps over the bar itself, and hunts down a bota, specially marked





VART GIRL : Tal Celtic, I am Chaldea, usually

lexii~R~Lyd glaring toward my sister as she just up and left me, traveling over to where she stands, taking in the bar, and thinking oh no hope we get home okay sis

AlbusNiall sldes up to the bar behind the slaves

CelticLord : Tal, well met M'Lady

VART GIRL smiles, curtsies

kyna~Niall had turned back toward the bar, feeling overwhelmed in such a place with so many people

AlbusNiall : the two of you will tend the bar. Keep it neat, and be quick with the drinks.


AlbusNiall : Feel welcome to speak openly and respectfully.

VART GIRL : Pen, did u see the pic of THOR costume! and read what He says?


kyna~Niall offered her Master the bowl of paga

AlbusNiall : Have fun . . . no booze for yourselves.

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : No! I missed that!

AlbusNiall accepts the bowl with a grateful nod

VART GIRL : well, loookit, lookit!

AlbusNiall : thank you, kajira.

VART GIRL watching the slaves with Albus, smiling.

CelticLord : but Albus the triks are much more fun when they get to get a lil tipsy

AlbusNiall chuckles hearing Celtic

CelticLord : LOL

AlbusNiall : You make a good point

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : loose slaves...always fun

AlbusNiall slurps a bit of paga from my bowl


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : oil them up


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant I guess I don't need tea now. Kalanatini time!

AlbusNiall slaps the bar

CelticLord : looks for a tub of sleen grease to toss to Cabot for him to do the honors


VART GIRL finds a lovely dark corner upon the rafters, attempts to hang upside down with knees wrapped over one, and tries to drink from the savage' bota too!


Aaminah~FW~Lydius : looks up to the rafters and see bota drip from it how odd but then see Vart there so feels this is normal

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant sashays over to the bar and mixes a pitcher of My special kalanatini, Dante's Infernal Brew, with pepper garnish...


AlbusNiall blows the steam across the surface of my paga and slurps from the rim

kyna~Niall quietly took a repcloth and wiped the bar, offering Mistress Penelope a warm smile, really unsure of her surroundings

CelticLord : Hey You know Me I'm game for most anything fun with slave meat involved

kyna~Niall whispered to lexii "Just wait for kajuralia!"

AlbusNiall smirks hearing CL, looks to lexii and crosses my eyes at her

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : It's alright kyna...just go with the flow!

VART GIRL winks at Aam... 'aye, this IS normal"

CelticLord Hollers to VArt Girl....


CelticLord : Hell yes it's normal for Vendara or it used to be.

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : masters beware o slaves during kajuralia!

VART GIRL crosses arms in fold like fleshy wings

lexii~R~Lyd : just look at all the people

AlbusNiall laughs

AlbusNiall : Pretty sure I'll be out of town that day . . .


kyna~Niall looked to her Master thinking she would find ways of keeping her Master in Lydius on Kajuralia

AlbusNiall tips the footed bowl to my lips and slams the paga in three gulps


VART GIRL whispers to lexii 'be sure to look at Me photo album of pet costumes, and read the details.

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : folded.... who spiked my evergreen tea

AlbusNiall coughs and slams the bowl down to the bar, my eyes welling with tears

AlbusNiall coughs again. blinking, tries to speak


AlbusNiall : .....

AlbusNiall can't

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : burp him somebody



CelticLord : Albus You ok Man


CelticLord slaps His back a few times....

VART GIRL uncoils a short whip, watching Albus

lexii~R~Lyd laughing as she looks at the photo of Mistress cool

AlbusNiall doubles over coughing and laughing at once


AlbusNiall straightens

VART GIRL : bet I can burp em from here

AlbusNiall wipes a tear

AlbusNiall : WHOA!



AlbusNiall : easy there, Vart Girl

CelticLord : You're ok Man thats just the feel of hair growin on Your chest


AlbusNiall : on the inside, Celtic!

CelticLord : Yea there too, it's that good


VART GIRL 'easy as sunday mornin'



CelticLord : Hey that's a good song Vart, but I ussually prefer Sunday Mornin Comin Down by, The Man in black

AlbusNiall : Celtic, toss me that horn, Brother

VART GIRL takes another upside down swig from savage painted bota

AlbusNiall extends my rt hand in his direction

VART GIRL : ahh, good One, Celtic

CelticLord : Nah Ill get it Myself I guess

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara signals the guards to be extra alert to outside troublke makers...

AlbusNiall : They'll refill it. I just want them back behind the bar where it's safe

AlbusNiall : or relativeky so

AlbusNiall : relativeLy

CelticLord : walks arong the bar and takes up a warm bota of mead and just brings the whole damn thing around and sits back down by Albus

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant upends the rest of the kalanatini in the pitcher

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : extra neach man at the end of his shift...


AlbusNiall looks to my empty bowl on the bar, then to the slacking slaves, inquiring as I point to it

AlbusNiall : is that Mine?


VART GIRL recoils, n uncoils short whip, giving it a rythmic swing, wondering if the tip could reach lexii

AlbusNiall : and empty??

lexii~R~Lyd falls to knees crawling under the bar

CelticLord Yanks the Cork out and turns the whole thing up and drinks long and deep taking several swallows before tipping it back down cuts his eyes at the girls...

kyna~Niall took her Master's bowl in small hands and hurriedly refilled it, offering it back to him

› Layce_FW_Vendara_M has joined the conversation.

VART GIRL 'vulo chit'

AlbusNiall : Thank you, kyna

lexii~R~Lyd if the shoes fits Mistress...winks




Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : WB, Layce. The Halloween Thing is in full Swing!



AlbusNiall takes up the footed bowl from the bar, sipping from it rather more prudently this time




lexii~R~Lyd crawl out looking around for Mistress Claldea, rising to feet, wiping off the counter

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : I missed the festivities?


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : in time fer the drinks




VART GIRL finally, too much a head rush from hangin upside down, pulls Herself upright, hanging by Her waist n ankles... seeing more clearly where that 'girl is




AlbusNiall takes up the bowl and drinks a bit more

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Pene, We would have Sar and Celtic maybe to escort and protect Us


Aaminah~FW~Lydius : yea that woud be good thing Sar



Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Sar You plan to do the "whip and nana?



VART GIRL the uncoiled short whip sways like a pendulem, tryin to scare a slave


Layce_FW_Vendara_M : oh no here We go


Layce_FW_Vendara_M takes a fur and pulls it over My lap

VART GIRL waves down to Layce, grinnin


Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Vert Girl you better be careful up there


VART GIRL low chuckle


CelticLord : looks over to Layce Dela Bazj M'Lady


Layce_FW_Vendara_M : is good to see You Celtic........

AlbusNiall nods, taking another slug from the bota and passes it back

Layce_FW_Vendara_M blushing


Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Sar some piratetried to steel Me last night......

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : That was Grym, a Pirate and Gentleman, makin' His introduction to Ye, Lady Layce. I promise, He meant no harm

VART GIRL : 'gasps audibly' seeing a FW blush

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : its is good that honorable men know how to control their drink .... it is Gorean

kyna~Niall lifted the horn with great care, not used to such a thing and offered it back to Master CelticLord

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : This FW blushs....I am so shy and quite

CelticLord : Aye You are correct SAr

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : DON"T LAUGH SAR

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : just a small snicker then Layce

VART GIRL hand pats down round utility belt, checkin for a collar


CelticLord : You know what We say in TN about a man who cant hold His shine .

AlbusNiall : what's that?

CelticLord : Hes a cunt

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : we ballus said he wuz drunk

AlbusNiall smirks

CelticLord : that too

VART GIRL : that's not nice to say about perfectly good 'hoo hoos'

AlbusNiall : If that's what you think is a cunt in TN, it's no wonder all your women have moved to VA.

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : My Lord.... there be Ladies present


Layce_FW_Vendara_M covering My ears


VART GIRL looks about, and spots One, points to Pen

AlbusNiall laughing


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : What? I didn't....I swear I was just sitting here!


VART GIRL teethy smile, nodding to Pen

AlbusNiall grins and drinks a bit more paga


VART GIRL : You IS a Lady, Pen

VART GIRL : a fun One, to Boot!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant guffaws and hiccups! Oh, no, not again!



VART GIRL stares Her down, hopin the hiccups will run away in fear


kyna~Niall smiled as the Master seemed busy with conversation, settling the horn into the holder near his seat

CelticLord : looks to kyna stay here a sec unless your Master says otherwise


CelticLord : would You mind her haveing a lil reward?

VART GIRL Bart's ears perk and twitch hearing Celtic

AlbusNiall : Generally I do, but seeing as how close we've come to hoppng in the pits

AlbusNiall shrugs

AlbusNiall : I don't object.

CelticLord : Jashi Va

AlbusNiall raises my bowl to the man, and drinks to him

CelticLord : lean over the bar girl and close your eyes and open your tender mouth.

lexii~R~Lyd reaching over with trembling hands wiping the counters down

AlbusNiall : ha! lexii, there you are . . .

VART GIRL silently cackles and lets the tip of whip graze lexiis back shoulder

CelticLord watches the girl paitently knowing she is nervous...

AlbusNiall watches as well

kyna~Niall sapphire eyes filled with concern remembering the last time a free person had poured a drink into her mouth. She was little hesitant, but was grateful at least that it wasn't paga. Leaning over the bar, she closed her eyes, opening her mouth to him.

CelticLord takes up My horn and lets just the slightes dash of the honey sweet but strong liquer on her pink tongue...

CelticLord : well done this time trik jashi va.


CelticLord turns toward Him and raises My horn to return His toast....

kyna~Niall swallowed and fought the urge to cough, never having had mead before. Smiling once more, she whispered

kyna~Niall : thank you, Master


CelticLord : va dela trik

AlbusNiall nods


kyna~Niall turned back to washing the dishes behind the bar

AlbusNiall chuckles

kyna~Niall finished with the dishes, she turned to her Master, waiting an ehn to speak, asking with the watery lilt of Ar

lexii~R~Lyd listening to kyna

CelticLord : Albus I come from Old Gor where slaves didn't ussually get a second chance

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara I goona import some Gators for the pits an some knee deep mud....

VART GIRL grrrs that her trick on lexii had no affect, tries again... letting the whip tip trail up her back like somthin crawly was on her

kyna~Niall : Master, may Master Boduk return me to the ship for the night please?

CelticLord : Hey then I'd feel at Home

AlbusNiall : I've been there as well, Celtic.

CelticLord : You are released by Me kyna

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Mud wrestling Sar?

AlbusNiall nods to kyna

CelticLord : then You understand

AlbusNiall : take lexii with you.

kyna~Niall : yes, Masters, thank you

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : gator food....blood hypes them

lexii~R~Lyd grabs kyna hand

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : ain't got gators sleen....

kyna~Niall looked to Master Celtic Lord


kyna~Niall : i wish you a peasant evening, Master

kyna~Niall : pleasant!

kyna~Niall : geesh)

VART GIRL : pheasant?! Where!

lexii~R~Lyd glances back to Mistress winking

VART GIRL pretend shoots one




VART GIRL climbs down from rafters, holding onto Bart' carefully, knowing he is hungry



VART GIRL : ni ni pretttiees, thank you

lexii~R~Lyd : good night Mistress


lexii~R~Lyd angelic gems travel toward Mistress Vart Girl saying

lexii~R~Lyd : Night Mistress


kyna~Niall grabbed lexi by the hand and moved to where Master Boduk stood along the wall, grateful that he would escort them back to the ship



VART GIRL winked to lezii

AlbusNiall grins

lexii~R~Lyd slow down short here sis glancing back to Mistress winking

AlbusNiall : I enjoyed this one, Celtic.

CelticLord : Sar it was mighty fine I've enjoyed Myself


AlbusNiall : Looking forward to the next.


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : there is a mood in Gor... that slaves be more than bar maids or lap dancers... that we use them in productive profitable tasks

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : give it some thought to discus next meeting


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : consider this

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : the cost to outfit and staff an interplanetary craft




Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : on earth of 150 or so goivernments only 5 can make even puddle jumps in space

VART GIRL settles down on some furrs, keeping the leash hold on Bart, so he can hop arround freely,.. I listen intently to wise words

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : it takes thelifetime income of a 100,000 people just to send a remote probe anywhere

CelticLord listens considering what Sar is saying

VART GIRL 'kewl' space' is awesome!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant space is huge!

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : how much more to man a fully manueverable craft to do a genetic pool raid on earth from Goor.... think of what that gene carrier is worth....

Aaminah~FW~Lydius yep it is

VART GIRL 'space is between....nevermind, that was a naughty one'

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant Bad, Vart Girl....BAD....!!!

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : my point....

AlbusNiall listens

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : if nothing more than needed gene pools... slaves...the few that exist... are hugely valuable

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : Norman writes

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : slaves are less than 5 %of Gor...

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : if the PKs charged you the true cost to import a slave....welll...

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : now having said that

CelticLord contiues to listen to the Ol Man..

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : slaves are better at multitasking than we are....they can be erotic sexy and bright...

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : they can earn you a huge profit


CelticLord knowing He is very wise indeed


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : who doesnt enjoy more gold


VART GIRL mouths silently 'g o l d'

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : be creative in using your slaves outside the furs


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : end of rant


VART GIRL applauds

AlbusNiall smiles

Layce_FW_Vendara_M noticing Sar's soap box is much taller then it used to be

VART GIRL : terrific teaching methods

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : cost per pound of slave flesh....a billion or so dgt

CelticLord : Aye Your words are very true Sar




Grym enters the main room with a wide toothy grin

Grym : Tal Cabot

Grym : Tal Layce


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : easy Grym ya gonna catch flies

VART GIRL smirked to the FM entered

Grym : Tal Pene

Grym : Tal Aaminah

CelticLord : Tal Grym


Grym : Tal Chaldea

VART GIRL : aww shootski!

VART GIRL : ya recognized meh

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Tal Grym

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal Grym! I'd stand and applause...but I'm under kalanatini influence and My legs are on strike....




Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Good night, Celtic! Man it was good to see You!

CelticLord : I do My best...

VART GIRL : night Celtic, good to meet You


› You have joined the conversation.

CelticLord : And a GNight to You too Pene and Aan

AlbusNiall : she's asleep, I expect.


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Who' s asleep?


Grym : hows City life treating the two of You?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : welcome back, Vart Girl!

AlbusNiall laughs hearing Penelope


VART GIRL : yaaaaaay

Aaminah~FW~Lydius : she lasted till 1:00 am my time last night

Aaminah~FW~Lydius : pene did

AlbusNiall : Not you, obviously! Or you just woke with a start. Either way.

AlbusNiall : City live is mostly good. I miss the Slut though.

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : and the night is getting younger as we speak


Grym : I saw Yer ol skiff around here somewhere recently

Aaminah~FW~Lydius : yea you bet it is


VART GIRL : whewwwww

VART GIRL : that was damn near too much drama obama fer ME



› You have joined the conversation.


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : you can only be drunk in one world at a time....

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : LOL Good one, Sar


Grym helps Myself to a bowl of paga and moves to sit near that sexxah Merchantress of all things Fwish

AlbusNiall is always breaking the damned rules

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : fortunately...the rare times I am drunk....

AlbusNiall : Alright, Goreans. I'm out for the night.

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : the sand man claims me

AlbusNiall : Sar, I wish you well. Thanks for the hospitality

VART GIRL : Night, good Friend!

Aaminah~FW~Lydius : night Sar HAPPY HALLOWEEN

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : come agin soon

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Albus, thank You for sharing this night with Us! Safe travels and good night!


Grym : I wish You well Albus

Grym : good pics Chal pal

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Good night handsome Sar

AlbusNiall : Grym, great to see you. Keep on enjoying the hell out of it all, my friend.


VART GIRL : ty Grym


AlbusNiall : Well wishes to the FW's



Grym : good seeing You Alus

Grym : Albus

AlbusNiall wanders down to the dockside gares



› You have joined the conversation.


Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Was good to see so many here

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : Captain....release half the guards....

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Dang....Buzzen is just luvin that outfit, Vart Girl!

VART GIRL : dang,

VART GIRL : think so?

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : that moofie loves molesting Vart Girl

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : It's the latex... Gor don't have latex...LOL

VART GIRL smiles coyly, twistin back n forth at waist, lookin down, kickin the tile with Her boot tip

VART GIRL : that Me 'awww shucks' look

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : I think she secretly enjoys it


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : LOL


VART GIRL : latex?????


VART GIRL : ODIN, k, thaats just so Wrong!

VART GIRL : its sea sleen

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant What? I'm just sayin....

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : thats the quietest rape call I've heard in years

VART GIRL : wut? lol

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : hehehe

Grym looks to Pene, smiles and lifts the bowl of paga pausing to ask " could I interst You in a fishing trip Pene?" chuckles and drinks from the bowl

VART GIRL : oh you funneh Sar

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : teasin ya

VART GIRL : ew, boy germs on it now

VART GIRL : I know Sar, sometimes just tooo clever for Me to grasp them

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : you smarter than you act at times...

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : and thats clever

VART GIRL : but, I am clueless about fetishes.. so that stuff goes over Me head

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant oh, Y'all......I can't say how much Y'all just make Mah day! Happy Halloween!

VART GIRL : dittto PEN


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I dunno, Grym...what's biting these days?


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Er....are You doing the Men sit on the floor thing, or are You in a that outfit...

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara :

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Who?

Grym : grunt are plentiful, wingfish, maybe the odd shark

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Hmmm...night fishing for grunt....

VART GIRL : any fishing is GREAT

Grym grins and crosses My right foot over My left knee

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I think I'm cured of wingfish for a while. Remember that last trip? I had a cool room full of wingfish...

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : I had to donate it to the Ranchers for the other other WhiteMeat Guild...

Grym : yes I do, I tried taking Layce night fishing but She just wasnt up for it

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : I go fish on the dock fer hours


Penelope~Vendara~Merchant gasps...and averts My eyes before....OH GAWD!!! That fur is striped!


Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : then I pull in me line and put hook n bait fer 5 minutes

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Happy Halloween! ))


VART GIRL : Im a true fisherman. can go out solo and fish for hours, keeping high expectations

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : never want to be bothered when I fish....even by fish


VART GIRL : gotacha

Grym laughs and smiles

VART GIRL : oh, I suppose, I should go change out of costum

Grym : that furs not striped Pene, Im just getting older, a little frost on the pumpkin hey

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : where I scuba dive the grouper bare bigger than I am

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant chortles and takes a sip of the continuously refilled kalanatini glass...



VART GIRL : I never really fished Ocean, but Lake Superior is humongous

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Grym....I wasn't looking....uh....Awwww! Now I looked!!!


Layce_FW_Vendara_M : I live close to Lake Superior

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : We gots the whole Gulf o Mejico

VART GIRL : reallly>?

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Yar!



Layce_FW_Vendara_M : SW of Duluth



Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : suba dive off Little Cayman Island....Bloody Bay Wall

VART GIRL : very small towns all around there

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : aye Vart there is

VART GIRL : I dig it

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : its only 20,000 feet deep

VART GIRL : peaceful, Man

VART GIRL : lol Sar

› Poison_Talendar has joined the conversation.

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Sounds truely beautiful

VART GIRL : the North Shore is Spectacular

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal, Poison_Talendar. Open bar, Happy Halloween))

Poison_Talendar smiles evilly as I make my way down to the main Hall, hoping I dont fall asleep at the computer like I did last night, I slip in the back door quietly

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : took vaca to Grand Portage last June

VART GIRL : Two Harbors, Beaver Bay, Silver Bay, Grand Marais...

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : Tal Poison Talendar

VART GIRL : ahh nice

Grym I smiled seeing the charming FW I knew enter the room, uncrossing My legs I rose to My feet and inclined My head to Her as I spoke....."Tal Oleander"

Poison_Talendar : Thank you Penel!)))

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : welcome Oleander

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Wow...Poison_Talendar....Vart Girl....this is looking like a great day time action show!

Poison_Talendar looks at the man Grym and growls a little

Poison_Talendar : Poison_Talendar to you!

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : ohhhh ok

Poison_Talendar smiles to the Sar

Poison_Talendar : Greetings !

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : arent all women poison

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Dang...and all I did was get the shop blessed by Initiate Ejet...

Poison_Talendar : Isnt it Halloween theme? lol))

Layce_FW_Vendara_M : hay now

Poison_Talendar : Yes Sar -- in our way

VART GIRL : on that note, lol.... Ima gonnaand have a late snack

Poison_Talendar grins

Poison_Talendar : VART!


Poison_Talendar : Where are you going!

VART GIRL : who ARE you!


Poison_Talendar laughs

Poison_Talendar : No!

VART GIRL : ahh, ok

VART GIRL hands on hips

VART GIRL : I aint a used to bein shouted at

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : years ago we had a much beloved Talendar/talender member...great rp'er

Grym not being one to pass up an opportunity to irk, annoy, bother, perturb or irritate an Fw I made My way across the room moving to within arms length and tried ot take Her ( Talendars) left hand with My right hand, I tried to swep My left hand toward the small of Her back as I stepped forward trying to close the distance between us to 1 foot and asked..."May I have this dance?"

VART GIRL : so quit it out

Poison_Talendar : Alright Vart


Poison_Talendar : Sar, I wish I could lay claim to that - but tis just a costume!

VART GIRL : I be back soon enuff, hope some of ya will be around, must care for this migraine.

Poison_Talendar : Alright Varty, I'll drink for you

Sar_Cabot_of_Vendara : she is retired to a nice lil ranch down in south Texas ...on a nice river bank...

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Awww, feel better , Vart Girl!

VART GIRL flapps Her fleshy wings and tried so FLYYYYY

2015-12-10 10:23:14 pm
I miss Ol Albums....where is that dirty rotten bastid ?
2015-12-10 10:41:07 pm
I miss Allby too **sniffles** gone to real times, for realsies, no more play time now or near future. was just told "HE does this all the time"" ....da bastid !!!!!!
2015-12-11 5:36:57 am
*shrugs* there's no good excuse for being out of Gor......unless of course its hunting and fishing .....