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"Where Are The Skiffs?!"

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2016-01-10 7:33:04 am Category General Viewed 66 times Likes 0

Picaroon Isle Home

" these islands were not united... the government of them was no more than a village council. "

Raiders of Gor

RP entrance via ship, No stowaways, unless you like swimming with sharks


CHaldea wakes up with stretch and yawn, realizing My surroundings. Oh so happy to be Home on Me Island, even if just for a hand.

CHaldea huh? wuts this tantilizing aroma, blackwine? Me Cpt Jahn is very generous this morn! Leaping up, tossing My warm fuzzy robe on, and try to adjust Me eyes to reach the Porch where a fresh pot awaits Me.

CHaldea smiles as He had already gone below and brought the verr cream up from cold storage. Making the perfect cup, I sit on the huge stuffed chair, sup and look out to Me love, Thassa

CHaldea now, more awake, dressed, I take My stroll, beach combing per ritual with Elsa jit chattering Her morning story to Me

CHaldea nearing the docks, I waived to Cpt Jahn with appreciative smiles. Watching the seadogs clean the ships...I notice, something is not right.

CHaldea it took a little time, trying to see just wut was out of place here..... then

CHaldea : no, no nooo NO NO NO !!!!!!!

CHaldea I shook Me head in disbelief, picked up the Trident in rt hand then said to Cpt:

CHaldea : "Where Are The Skiffs?!"

CHaldea Cpt approached Me, shaking His head, tried to explain 'how someOne got past the night guards, and took the skiffs'

CHaldea stared at Him, for some time in wonderment, making a 'derp' face, likely. Then, sat down in the warming sand, allowing this all to sink into Me head. After an ehn or 2.....stood abruptly and threw the Trident into the surf.....

CHaldea : @$@@& YOUSONOFA^%&# THIEF~!!!!!ferODINSAKE!!! yaBASTID!!!!!!!



2016-01-12 11:31:22 pm
I ruined her for all other jits...
2016-01-12 11:45:25 pm
ROFLMBO Oh My Priest Kings!!!
2016-01-12 11:46:06 pm
Y'all are too much!