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The Hunt (and more to follow)

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2016-01-25 5:18:53 am Category General Viewed 58 times Likes 0


RP entrance via ship, No stowaways, unless you like swimming with sharks

" these islands were not united... the government of them was no more than a village council. " Raiders of Gor


CHaldea jumpin up n down on the beach, wavin arms... Elsa jit copyin Meh

Khalid~RH~Builder rides the boat till it docks then crew let the plank down i walk off and onto the beach 

Khalid~RH~Builder : well made it CHal


CHaldea Ooohs runs to get harpoons for Everbuddeh

Khalid~RH~Builder walks  to the fire on the Beach

Robak~W steps off the boat with harpoons in left hand and walks to the fire upon the dune beneath the cottage.

CHaldea scramble! She gets the BBQ goin too!

Khalid~RH~Builder throw a harpoon heck i might miss the whale n hit Robak lol

CHaldea : heh

CHaldea : I aint never takin ya fishin then!

Robak~W : what ya trying to say Khalid?

Khalid~RH~Builder : nuttin lol

Robak~W : that im as big as a whale?

Khalid~RH~Builder : naw

lexii~R~RH stays in the boat while harpoons are being tossed around

Khalid~RH~Builder : an you aint swimming

Robak~W : damn ill have to lift some more weights

CHaldea starts singin Love shack baby

CHaldea bbq check, harpoons check

Robak~W does a jig

CHaldea starts dragging all the chair type items that exist here,.. down to beach

Khalid~RH~Builder trys dancin n falls down splattttttttttt

Robak~W : dancing warrior check

CHaldea : heh

Khalid~RH~Builder laughs

Robak~W : damn Khalid and you aint had too much drink yet

CHaldea : girls I could use a hand, eh!!

Khalid~RH~Builder : lol

Robak~W : lex go help


CHaldea : collect, please whatever can be 'sit upon


CHaldea : but NOT ME casks O ale!

Khalid~RH~Builder walks the beach finds a small log carries it over to sit on


CHaldea Elsa draggin a heavy branch chatterin

Robak~W grabs a cask of ale and drags it near the fire and hops on it

CHaldea : good Girl!

Khalid~RH~Builder reaches into my pouch pulls out 2 botas of paga keeps one hands the other to Robak drink up

Khalid~RH~Builder : i comeperpared

CHaldea looks at Broder,,,, jes rolls eyes n keep workin

Robak~W takes the bota and uncorcks it and takes a swig

Khalid~RH~Builder uncorks mine takes a swig

Robak~W : Sis im keeping it safe for ya

Robak~W pats the barrel

CHaldea waves an arm mmmumblin


lexii~R~RH looks up at all the activity going on she steps out of the boat goes around moving barrels and seat around like in a meeting type setting

CHaldea goes to the shed where a fish nets n tins are....

Robak~W chuckles a she hops down and starts dragging stones and tree stumps around placing them around the fire

CHaldea : oh hey

CHaldea laffs

Khalid~RH~Builder gets up sees a nice log drags it over near the fire

Robak~W : what?

CHaldea yells Her guards and Cpt Jahn and all crewman to finish the job

CHaldea : I keep forgettin ta tell themms to work!

Robak~W sees the TOY catapult and drags that over near a pile of rocks he formed and pats it

CHaldea : relax

CHaldea : oooooo..c a t a p u l t...

Robak~W : dont mind helpin SIs

Robak~W : the catapult this TOY one is in case we get attacked by pirates or whatever


Robak~W : cast ermmmmm water ballons or wwhatever at em

CHaldea grabs a oarsmen, has Him go to the 'cold cave' to bring out all the 'standing by barrels of ale




Khalid~RH~Builder watches my guard Ha-Kaath bring a nice Tarsk he has hunted and cleaned over n puts it on the fire to roast i say 'ty Ha_kaath'

Robak~W : bless you Khalid

Khalid~RH~Builder : ty Robak

Robak~W : hope that throat gets better

Khalid~RH~Builder : least i can do

Robak~W : Ha-Kaath

Robak~W clears his throat

Robak~W : much better

Khalid~RH~Builder : lol its his name lol

Robak~W : ohhhhh

Robak~W : thought you had a bad throat

Robak~W laughs

Khalid~RH~Builder chuckles


Robak~W : you know what my guards are called?

Khalid~RH~Builder : what

Robak~W : dunno as i dont have any


CHaldea nods, itches Her nose

CHaldea looks around


CHaldea : ok... the cold ale casks are set up

Khalid~RH~Builder : good

CHaldea : go ahed an pop one

Khalid~RH~Builder : lexii can you watch the Tarsk that is cooking

Robak~W walks over to a crop of rocks  and looks out towards the THASSA

CHaldea holds out a lil hammer

CHaldea an a spigot

Khalid~RH~Builder : if he falls in i aint gonna .... never mind lol

Robak~W holds open left palm across his eyes checking the waters


CHaldea : haha

Khalid~RH~Builder lifts the bota takes a big swig

CHaldea : ya mean

CHaldea : kiss em?

CHaldea : ta blows air?  ha!

Robak~W heads back to the fire and sees all the chair' type things

CHaldea bahh, goes an taps all the casks Herself

Robak~W takes the hammer and spigots from Chal

CHaldea : hey

CHaldea : thats rude

Khalid~RH~Builder turns the bota up up drinks

Robak~W taps the casks one by one then hold the hammer to Chal

Khalid~RH~Builder : maybe hes thirsty lol

CHaldea then takes it BEK!

Robak~W : you know me Chal im a gent

CHaldea : thanks

Robak~W : dont want you getting any splinters in those purdy hands in that purdy dress now do we?

CHaldea surveying the place as a whole...ponderin

Robak~W cracks up

CHaldea turns back n....

CHaldea : Hey! Ima changin outa this thin!

Khalid~RH~Builder laughs

CHaldea stomps off to cottage

Robak~W laughs

Khalid~RH~Builder starts to say... o never mind

Robak~W : and no Khalid you cant go help her

Khalid~RH~Builder : lol

Robak~W : i sometimes wonder how she hasnt stabbed me with all the teasing i do

Khalid~RH~Builder : its a wonder lol

Robak~W : i have my gaurd kajira with me ..maybe thats it

Khalid~RH~Builder : might be

Robak~W : they would serve with a ferocity

Robak~W laughs

lexii~R~RH : i would step in front of it my Master

Robak~W wraps his arms around lex

Robak~W : i know you would lilone

lexii~R~RH smiles up toward Him

Robak~W : and maybe step on my toes

Robak~W chuckles and pinches her bum

lexii~R~RH : if need be my Master



Khalid~RH~Builder : lexii there is a Tarsk roasting on the fire



CHaldea having changed to most comfy form fittin britches, tall boots, black tunic , belt with neccessites... comes down to beach walking with Her TRident, .. black wild mane flying round like a beast itself.

CHaldea : I sees it going to be a waitin game fer now

CHaldea : so

CHaldea : Ima take Me new skiffs.. yall can too, and hunt

Robak~W : thats the look i know best Sis

Robak~W : what ya hunting ?


CHaldea : hey BBQ is roarin

Robak~W : you mean calves


CHaldea : ayep

lexii~R~RH watches samii watch the food cooking on the fire



Robak~W : wait up Sis

CHaldea pretends not ta hear em

CHaldea takes Cpt Jahn with Meh, personally sos He can oar Me out to the right spot

Robak~W grabs his Harpoons

Robak~W heads out after Chald


lexii~R~RH goes over to the fire, going to her knees as she watches the food cooking

CHaldea standin in skiff, puts Her pir... er 'hat' on to stop the surface glare

CHaldea lookin keenly in the waters

Robak~W jumps in the boat

Robak~W nods to the Cptn to row out to a good spot


CHaldea thinks She see oooooo and silently picks up harpoon, and tries to get into that power stance

Robak~W : Sis

Robak~W : wait

Khalid~RH~Builder drinks from my bota watching the hunt


Robak~W : we are in your waters yes?

CHaldea : yes

Robak~W : ok carry on

CHaldea : the whole chain, for that matter


Robak~W picks up a harpoon and looks into the thassa


Robak~W : look for the blow

CHaldea points to Cos way

Khalid~RH~Builder gets up wanders around looking for a snack finds something walks back and sits munchin on it

Robak~W : never Sis

Robak~W chuckles

CHaldea : they way the hells bells ova thar

CHaldea : cant see Us

Robak~W : your waters so who cares


Khalid~RH~Builder : lexii is the Tarsk cooking ok?

CHaldea : xactly


Robak~W : Goreans are hunters and will hunt what they wish

CHaldea : absoFrknLutely!

Robak~W : never heard of a reserve before

Robak~W : reserve a fur for me to sit on yes

lexii~R~RH she takes the suls wrapping them up in a leaf, one by one setting them on the coals to bake, then settles down on her bum by the fire as she turns the roasting meat every do often

lexii~R~RH : seems to be Master

Khalid~RH~Builder : ok

Khalid~RH~Builder : good

Robak~W : or something from a merchant but beasts nahhhhhhh

Khalid~RH~Builder wonders i must start back hunting myself for the Hold and do the roofs on the 2stables and the fences

Robak~W sees a blow to his left



Khalid~RH~Builder strains to see the hunt goin on


CHaldea turns ta look


Robak~W : its a calf

Robak~W : a decent size too

Robak~W : its all yours

Robak~W : ladies first

Robak~W grins

CHaldea pats Cpt Jahns shoulder, points to it

CHaldea He quietly rows Meh that way

Robak~W steadys himself with the harpoon as he waits for Chal to take first shot

CHaldea closing distance noww....

CHaldea now sees the large calve

Robak~W the calf blows again as it rises to the surface

Khalid~RH~Builder yells... HARPOON THE DANG THING ... lol

CHaldea driftin nearer, kinda cornering it

Khalid~RH~Builder finishes my paga walks over opens the tap fills it with ale

CHaldea takes deep breath, blows out, then in stance, pressure on rt back foot

CHaldea raises harpoon eyes sharp an fixed on target

lexii~R~RH jumps as she hears Master yelling, then turns the suls over one by one

Robak~W watches  Chal

Robak~W readys his harpoon in right hand


CHaldea lets out a 'Heeeaaaaa! while Forcefuly throwing the harpoon wit right arm at it's target

CHaldea watches the rope from it follow

Robak~W watches as she looses the harpoon and watches it fly



CHaldea : Hey, I gots one in it!

Robak~W : good shot


Robak~W : we need another

CHaldea holds the rope as~ it~ pulls the skiff via HER around, boot heels pressed down as She lean back

Khalid~RH~Builder : yells Good CHal


Robak~W takes aim and waits for it to break the surface

CHaldea laffffs as the animal surfs the skiff around

Khalid~RH~Builder : get it Bro

CHaldea : weeeeeee

lexii~R~RH she turns the Roasting Tarsk over ones more then bastes it with the mixture


CHaldea leaves Plenty of slack

Robak~W as it breaks he throws with right hand with all the strength he can muster the harpoon trying to land it close to Chals

CHaldea keepin distance from it

CHaldea : oooooo

CHaldea skiff slows from bein pulled about

CHaldea water is bluddeh

CHaldea looks to Bro and GRINS so BIG

Robak~W sees the rope go after it and hits its target

Robak~W : wahayyyyyy

Khalid~RH~Builder : Yay Good Goin Robak

CHaldea : wwwwwwwoooooooooooohoooooooooo

Robak~W : id say bulls eye but its more calfs eye

Robak~W chuckles

CHaldea : heh

CHaldea : ok, yer the male, so haul it in, mkay?

Robak~W ties the harpoon rope off and then starts to pull on the rope attempting to haul it alongside the skiff

Khalid~RH~Builder watches CHal n Robak haul the calf in

lexii~R~RH turning the suls once more with the forked utensil she reaches for the ramberry pie setting it on the coals then reaches for the peach one setting it on the coals

CHaldea smiles, sighs, watchin the beauty of the day

Khalid~RH~Builder drinks my ale slowly and watches the Tarsk cooking

Robak~W as he pulls hand over hand left and right he feels the strain and knows its heavey

Robak~W : we got a lunker here Chal

CHaldea : hahahah

CHaldea : aye Brodder, dats da term

CHaldea : need help?

Robak~W as the calf bumps the side of the skiff he stumbles but regains his balance

Robak~W : aye Sis

CHaldea relaxes with Her Cpt, smiling, stretched out in the skiff,

CHaldea : oh chit, ok

CHaldea : hang on

Robak~W : tie its tail off and we can drag it backwards back to shore

CHaldea gets serious agin.

CHaldea : ok

Robak~W he says as he keeps hold of the rope

Khalid~RH~Builder watches the action out on the water

CHaldea pulling rope hand over fist it coils into the skiff as slack is gone now


CHaldea feels it

CHaldea : MHM!

Robak~W smiles to Chal as she helps haul it in

CHaldea uses Her muscles fer sure

Robak~W : that rope there with the loop

CHaldea : yeah?

Robak~W : hook its tail and secure it

CHaldea : ME? ok den

Khalid~RH~Builder thinks maybe someday ill have a..... o never mind

Robak~W : we will drag it ashore beach it then it will be fresher

CHaldea ties off the harpoon rope, now the beast is sloshin gainst side O skiff, I takes the lassoo type loop in rt hand

Khalid~RH~Builder raises the bota sips the cold ale

Robak~W : im sure we can sell the blubber and bones to someone

CHaldea watcing out fer harpoons, then lowers Meself into the shallow and loops its tail, pulls the slip knot tight, then hangs onto the skiff

CHaldea : okay, we comin ashore!

Khalid~RH~Builder : dang she will have to change again lol

CHaldea : lol

CHaldea : nay I dont!

Robak~W jumps into the shallow and helps drag it ashore

CHaldea Cpt rowed right up to beach

Khalid~RH~Builder walks down to the shore and looks and says

Khalid~RH~Builder : nice catch you 2

CHaldea slosshing Me self up outa the Thassa

Robak~W sits down

Robak~W looks at Chal

CHaldea lets' the males pull it out

Khalid~RH~Builder walks back near the fire sits sips the ale

CHaldea that dint sound right

Robak~W : we got a good one

Robak~W : good thing we knew what ya ment lol

CHaldea watches the crew n brother pull the beast onto beach

Khalid~RH~Builder watches lexii cookin

Khalid~RH~Builder : lol

Robak~W : have the crew cut it up Chal

Robak~W : its my first whale

CHaldea steps to brother, hugs Him

Robak~W : i dont know how

Robak~W hugs his Sister

CHaldea : bah, let the seadogs do it

Robak~W as he stands

Robak~W : i think we deserve a drink

CHaldea points to crew of raggly mumbly pegs

CHaldea : aye!

Khalid~RH~Builder sips the ale watching

Robak~W looks at Khalid and grins

CHaldea Capt Jahn orders His crew about, to start butchering

lexii~R~RH turning the meat once more and the suls she smells the pies baking


Khalid~RH~Builder smells the Tarsk cooking and the pies baking... ahhh smells so good

Robak~W : come Sis drink on me

Robak~W : well on you as its your place

Robak~W as he goes back to the line of casks, he grabs a tankard blows in it then fills it from a cask then sits down in the sand

CHaldea finds a tall tankard of cold ale heh

CHaldea : aye it is

CHaldea crashes Me tankard inta His

CHaldea : SKOLL

Robak~W Skoll as he crashes his to hers

Khalid~RH~Builder finishes the ale walks over finds a tankard fills it walks back sits and sips

CHaldea gets wet, laffs


Khalid~RH~Builder : SKOLL



Robak~W : to good hunting

Robak~W he says as he raises it

CHaldea laffin as too much showers of ale landin on Her

CHaldea : I loves Huntin

Khalid~RH~Builder : i must try it next time maybe lol

Robak~W : i would'nt have guessed Sis

Robak~W laughs heartily

CHaldea : that is such a russshhh.. bein pulled fast by the whale on the lil skiff!

Khalid~RH~Builder laughs also


Robak~W : i was too busy keeping me feet to notice


CHaldea tries ta dance a lil pirate dance, while chuggin at da same time

Robak~W : hahahah

Robak~W : dancing is not really in your skill set Sis

Khalid~RH~Builder : dont fall CHal lol

CHaldea more spillin than drinkin


CHaldea lets out a feminine burp


CHaldea : OHHH Excuuuuse MEH

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant arrived by private ship, and headed for Chaldea's mansion

Robak~W hears Chal and looks at her

Robak~W : hahahaha

Khalid~RH~Builder laughs

Robak~W : nice one

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal, Y'all

Khalid~RH~Builder : Tal Penel

Robak~W belches out loud and long

CHaldea : hey! womens got to belch too

Kyna grateful to finally be off the damn boat. And by calling the thing a boat, that was being generous. Ignoring Theo's command to wait for her, she followed the instructions she'd been given until she'd arrived at the gathering just shortly after Penelope

Kyna : Tal, all.


Khalid~RH~Builder burps loudly

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Howdy Khalid and tal back at You

CHaldea : hahahaha

Emerson points to the island as we come into view yelling loudly to the Captain about that is where to take me he shakes his head as he gets a small dingy of sorts lowered over the side and has one of the crew to help me in it and starts rowing to shore


Robak~W : Tal Pen


Robak~W holds up his tankard

Emerson looks at the crew men thinkin coward as we get close enough to wear I can wade to shore I crawl out the dingy and yell as I begin walking toward the crowd .

Emerson : Tal and greetings I come in peace not pieces


Khalid~RH~Builder looks at the FW i dont know and says

CHaldea looks to Kyna


CHaldea : Welcome Welcome

Khalid~RH~Builder : Tal I am Khalid Builder of the Hold

Emerson : Tal Khalid the Builder I'm Emerson crazed FW

Robak~W : altough he didnt build the hold as per say


Robak~W laughs

Robak~W : Emerson Tal

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal Robak

CHaldea points to alll types of shaped things to sit on, while on the beach

CHaldea : Take a Load Off

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal and greetings, magnanimous and most gracious Hostess of the Sea!

Robak~W gets out of the sand and wipes himself off then sits on a log

lexii~R~RH looks toward her Master then she wraps her hands in a rep cloths moving the pies over to cool on the flat stones

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : That's You, Chaldea

CHaldea : PEN PEN!

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Big Smile

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal, Kyna

CHaldea : welcome welcome welcome

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : Tal, Emerson


CHaldea : ever buddeh, welcome

Penelope~Vendara~Merchant : what's the haps there, lexii!


lexii~R~RH leaving the rest to samii and other she goes over to her Master and knees beside Him, gems lowering



Robak~W : greet and speak openly lex

Kyna found a comfortable spot to sit, welcoming the fire's warmth, ignoring Theo's glare as he strode up to where people were gathered, taking up a spot by a tree.

CHaldea jes points to things to sit on, also several casks of tapped ale

Khalid~RH~Builder raises the tankard and drinks


lexii~R~RH : yes my Master

Khalid~RH~Builder : sit where you can

lexii~R~RH looking over to Mistress Penelope with a smile saying

lexii~R~RH : greetings Mistress


CHaldea : oh chi.... hope we got nuff Tankards to go round!


CHaldea that would be 'horror' if not


Robak~W : there are bowls aplenty in me sack

Khalid~RH~Builder reaches into a box i brought and says


CHaldea : come on in ....meetin not started

Khalid~RH~Builder : CHal brought some extra Tankard and Bowls

CHaldea : OH Nice one Khal!

CHaldea laffs cuz we have the same name, agin


Iskander~Ubar~CFTuchukCamp stands on deck as the crew sing "Row row row your boat gently down the stream" making sure to stay away from the baby whales


Khalid~RH~Builder : lol CHal we arent twins are we

Khalid~RH~Builder i roar with laughter

CHaldea shakes no

Robak~W : i hope not

CHaldea : Im em.. nevermind

Khalid~RH~Builder : lol Robak

Robak~W sees a face he knows and like and stands

Khalid~RH~Builder : lol CHal

Robak~W : Emerson Tal

CHaldea : no, I know who Me Pop is


Robak~W : come be seated and stay in one pice


Iskander~Ubar~CFTuchukCamp pulls into the docks and parallel parks the ship, and disembarks

Emerson : Tal Robak

Iskander~Ubar~CFTuchukCamp : Tal!

lexii~R~RH moves a little as her Master stands then looks to wear He is looking


Khalid~RH~Builder : Tal Iska

Robak~W : Tal Isk

Kyna : Tal Iskander

CHaldea smiles as each person comes ashore, sooo happy





Robak~W sits back down

Iskander~Ubar~CFTuchukCamp : we made sure to not run over any of Agrit's semen on the way from the mainland

Kyna : Tal Emerson, I am Kyna

Emerson : Tal Kyna

CHaldea : Welcome Welcome to Picarooooon (says with roll off Her tongue)

Iskander~Ubar~CFTuchukCamp : or was it seamen... im not sure


Robak~W : theyve all been eaten by the sharks Isk its the whales you gotta watch out for now

lexii~R~RH looks over to Master Iskander saying

lexii~R~RH : greetings Master

Emerson laughs as I sit on the sand looking about



lexii~R~RH looking over to Mistress Kyna saying

lexii~R~RH : greetings Mistress

CHaldea tries to point attention to all, to see the Whale on beach, bein Butchered UP

Kyna : greetings lexii, good to see you

Emerson sees the whale then to Chaldea as I speak

CHaldea : OPEN SEAson!!!


Emerson : Wow that is uhm huge

lexii~R~RH smiling toward the Mistress Emerson

lexii~R~RH : greetings Mistress


Emerson : Greetings girl


CHaldea looks to Emerson

CHaldea : I am CHaldea of Picaroon

CHaldea lifts Her tankard in Welcome

Emerson : I'm Emerson of nowhere

Robak~W : everyone is of somewere

CHaldea : well Met, now git yer scrawny arse a tankard!

Emerson : I happen to like nowhere for the moment

CHaldea laffs

Kyna : Nowhere is actually somewhere

Kyna smiles

Khalid~RH~Builder laffs and burps .... loudly

Robak~W : maybe you should name a place nowere

Emerson : True Kyna





CHaldea : meeting will begin, eventually!

CHaldea : first and foremost I Welcome ya!

CHaldea : there is food, thar is Drink

Khalid~RH~Builder gets up walks back over fills the Tankard again hehe


Khalid~RH~Builder hopes the groud is dry in case i pass out lol


Khalid~RH~Builder : ty CHal



Khalid~RH~Builder walks over takes a plate puts some tarsk on it and a piece of pie


CHaldea : SO, I tinks Me Brother, Upon return....

Khalid~RH~Builder walks back over sits eats and drinks

CHaldea : will attempt to begin


CHaldea : We been ehh.. busy, whalin

CHaldea : and drinkin

Robak~W pops his head in

Emerson : Dang and I want to be Ishmael !.

Robak~W : not my meeting

CHaldea waaaaaa

CHaldea : ok den

Robak~W : you can be who ever ya want Em


Kyna : Emerson, does your name come from Ralph Waldo?)

Iskander~Ubar~CFTuchukCamp : Ishmael the Whale?

Emerson : No why

CHaldea : OKay, lookin at the group so far....

Kyna : Just you said Ishmael, made me think of Melville and that interminable book, and then other American authors like Emerson ~smiles)



CHaldea scratchin Her skull hidden under wild beast of black mane

CHaldea : Call MEH Ishmael

Kyna : That's the most most people know of Moby Dick, lol)


CHaldea picks up Her Trident holding it up to the Immense vastness that is Our planets canopy of space, daring those who disrespect THassa to enter.. an them St. whoever lights to strike.

CHaldea spots glimmer, mebe a treasure on the sand, dropping the Trident...."ooooo shiny!"



2016-01-27 1:48:58 am
thanks much both a youz. It was Fantastic, moment to moment RP is wut I love! Head out with little to no plan, and knock out a fun fun story!
2016-01-27 5:29:51 pm
**deliver whale blubber to Shainaa-Chek!** Hey, if it renders down nicely, I'd ike some sugar cookies, rolled out and 'cuttered' in shape of whales!
2016-01-28 11:46:28 am
off the cuff roleplay is more fun than long as your on the same page with whats going on..was a fun Hunt Sis must do again soon...maybe on our trip lol