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Packing for Adventure!

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2016-01-26 11:52:51 pm Category General Viewed 90 times Likes 0


CHaldea Looking about Her Lovely Home (ramshackle cottage), watching Her pets, Her ships, Her Guards, Cpt Jahn and crew....It was, for an ahn, a tad saddening. So Deeply in love with Thassa and all Her humble belongings. Asks Herself 'how do I let this go, leaving it behind as I travel for a long while?! I'm just no good at delegating. Putting the responsibility in Me Cpts Loyal Hands.

CHaldea Strolls slowly round the place, meeting up to the unfinished bedrock where She has for years off and on chiseled away at to make Her 'sturdy' permanent dwelling. Smiled and stepped round it lightely smoothing fingers gainst it's walls.

CHaldea Then passing the colossal clam shell, open with that pearly glisten, hinge still intact. "Oooh da memories" it were Her bath tub, for days She preferred not to be in a stormy surf. The serendipity of Her close Companion of olde made everything so precious. All the 'little things' of no value atall, but were Hers and His.

CHaldea just had to stop, not needin ta be overly sad, not Now. Aye, concentrate on wut lay ahead and Trust, ner' Nest Trust in Her Most Loyal Captain. Such a good soul He is. Already had sat with Him for a 'Tak', He knew Everything would have to be guarded and animals cared for. Extra ships were on patrol, so No One could pass without His knowledge and IF type' knowledge were found there be Blud bath.     Giving Him 3 times His usual pay to guard wut is Mine.

CHaldea : "ok den!"

CHaldea skipped into the cottage, into Her room, pulling down a dense woven bag, large enough to hold a few changes of attire. What else would She need!!!! Over packing is stooopid! Bare neccessities only. Thinkin: 'clothes-check.. coins-check, Her favorite and traditional 'camp food' dried or preserved-check. sweet inland water botas-check. Savage Paga-check. A tote bag of compact fishin gear-check. med kit-check. Stepped outside to yell:

CHaldea : "Jaahhnn is Me teepee type tent, poles, leathers, weapons on board yit!?"

CHaldea Cpt Jahn waved affirmative, with nod and smile. I Nodded back, emphatically.

CHaldea Felt that lingering was making it Worser, carried the two bags to the docks. Passing by 'Trick-kaiila and Elsa-jit as 'normal when the 'Omen' was to sail out, giving Them a little scratching touch and did Not look back.

CHaldea takes a breath, waves Her right arm signalling Cpt to sail Us out now. Taking a few of His own crew with, We headed out. Seated...or..kinda spralled out at Her bow, facing the endless sea. Now felt the wind and spray to Her face, smelled the richness of Thassa. Voyague to unkown-check.


2016-01-29 4:05:13 pm
I got lost in Your neck of the woods for sure, they shut one railway bridge n its all hell let loose, how difficult is it to avoid one bridge in a lil place, took me forever to get to work !
2016-01-29 4:43:08 pm
lol its to stop the scottish invaders
2016-01-29 4:51:49 pm
too late, I'm here to stay MWAHAHA n now working right next to Yer bike parking LOL