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CHaldea's Profile

Current Mood: Amused
CHaldea ( Sister to Robak~W , for Gorean RP profile, alone.)
Female - GOR, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Updated: 2017-03-27 1:35:47 am Viewed 1,854 times Likes 1

~ Sister to Robak W ~

~(Seasonally,  the Voyageur heads NORTH in search of Glacier caves to keep Her  delicate cold bludded Self happy)~

Picaroon  and it's surrounding islands, far West on a path to World's End.

The Jeweled islands in shape of a   scimitar   (curved knife)

When One has seen and ner' Kissed the Salaurian of Deep

and come out Alive ~ Cannot be held within walls ~ 

 Born not merely to exist, But LIVE OUTLOUD

For if not to Fight for Beliefs, Drink for Celebration and  Free to

Love all Creation ~ there be little left Living for


'What is worth Me blud and bruise for righteous cause, but a taste of copper and intriguingly

different changing hues to the skin, remarkble!

................. "There are No Mere Points of Honor" ..........

 IS Core Belief and Foundation

 Singularly Splendiferous,  attempting to Know Everything I can Know in My World

Home ~ is upon Thassa and Her small Island Ports unSpoiled unBlemished They are

Well Traveled Grown to the Gorean Woman Now Become ~ Strength in Confidence,

Self Sufficient and Entertained.


general stuff:

Personal Guards : "Rafi & Rami"  when traveling alone

Loyal Trusty Kaiila : "Trick" , the Trickster

Companion : "Elsa" native jit of the Island

Wear:  practical leathers,  black mane braided back - or - robe and veil ~ per region



Own? too much to list. Ask if ya care

       Weapons? same deal

the Wizard










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