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Just a thought

Current Mood: Good
Dahna (It's Me., *)
Female - 64 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married

Posted: 2016-01-28 12:21:55 pm Category General Viewed 123 times Likes 0
Every one of the people arguing have mentioned respect. I would ask please to respect the ones that may be growing tired of seeing all this stuff and as they ised to say in the good days. Please take it private now. Thank you.

2016-02-01 12:04:11 pm
Seems to me that differences of opinions used to be settled with steel not words but then what do I know.....
2016-02-01 1:34:38 pm
words are for higher level Warriors and who adhere to a safe zone when a meeting is held as per the laws of the Sardar fair...
2016-02-01 6:31:06 pm
or the thing.....