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Reality is a Bitch

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-06-18 5:23:29 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 419 times Likes 7


Gorean Varts: For those who do not know what that is: Varts are flying animals of the size of a little dog, similar to bats on earth. Varts can be found on the island of Tyros. They live in the caves of those island mountains. The people of Tyros train Varts to be used in combat and as protectors. Varts are almost blind from living in the caves but they hear verý well. I purchased 10 varts that were trained to hunt down intruders  and also to deliver messages between the ten squads of men that are part of the Thalarion Militia which could be handy in critical situations.

My Thalarion Guards: Bracken, Habious, Skut, Gabbus, Ignat, Thad, Marca, Justus, Ukart, Zenos, Karl, Victor, Arber, Lark, Winslow, Beast, Munster, Xyler, Carbon, Nezron, Yodler, Dentalis, Opie, Zeckler, Ebron, Prebus, Abott, Festus, Quan, Barto, Gronk, Radius, and Casious They will be dressed in Black silk shirts with thalarion ensignia on the leather slip on hood to cover their boots... Each man was carrying 20 knives of various sizes and types for throwing as well as close in combat.the knves are cross strapped and sheived around the waist and upper chest. each man could hit a target moving or still with deadly accuracy at 30 yards and could not miss at 20.

Thalarion Guards: Bracken, Habious, Skut, Gabbus, Ignat, Thad, Marca, Justus, Ukart, Zenos...These ten men are the leaders of the ten squads of ten men completely trained in special military tactics and weapons allowed on Gor but also have training brought from earth By Captain Quin who was a Special Forces Commando. The training includes the development of skills in climbing, knife throwing, riding kaillia, throwing the bola, and combat assassination without weapons.

Each of the ten squad leaders were given a specific assignment to search the Island with there Varts...the Varts would seek out the intruder and the squad would capture the intruder... The Squads had various grids to search as the Vart located anyone running throuh the area. 2 Squads were dispatched to search along the coast line to find a small ship which would have found its way into hidden cove areas. There are 500 hundred men inside the city Keep of which 2 hundred of them are searching the city while another 1 hundred men are searching along the walls...anther 1 hundred men are outside the walls and covering the dock area so that no one could escape.

The Squad lead by Skut discovered the small cove which hid the intruders craft and crew,,,He sent His Vart to Ignats squad with a scroll giving the location...Ignats squad joined with skutts squad and togeather they boarded the craft and killed the entire crew...they took up positions on the ship awaiting the return of the intruder

Meanwhile the other squads and their varts closed the circle pushing the Intruder towards His craft--- 80 highly trained Men along with 400 hundred Militia trained in the use of weapons allowed on Gor---Regardless of the skill and ability of this intruder...regardless of who he might be...this is not a holywood production where the hero escapes or even completes his task...However, suppose there  is a tratior among us and they are in league with this intruder...and suppose somehow this traitor knew of a tunnel located on the Island which goes from....smiles... well I am not going to devulge the location...but if those things existed I would have sent Gabbus and His Squad since he has first hand knowledge of the tunnels...and His vart down to explore that place and have men stationed at each end of that tunnel....the reality is the very little damage is incurred by Helisto and the intruder would be caught and placed in a cell...end of story



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