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By the Sea, By the Sea, By The Beautiful Sea

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-07-12 10:49:33 am Category General Viewed 534 times Likes 8

Leaving the city of ghosts and bones I headed along the water as I have done these last four days…Making note that this is a large island filled with much vegetation, and while I have not made comment upon the food it should be known that there is a wide variety of fruits and small animals which make a tasty bounty of delicious meals. And lest I forget…there is that strange beast that continues to follow me…never close enough for me to see it but close enough for me to know it is there. The view changed once again and swampy conditions made themselves known to me and closed in about me but with one very interesting difference….this time my senses were filled with the scent of sea air…I knew I was getting close….

   I picked up the pace abit when I noticed a small boat pitched against some rocks…another clue that I was getting close to my goal… pushing forward, I suddenly stopped in my tracks…hearing the most dreadful sound that seemed to shake the ground… I turned quickly toward the sound drawing my sword almost as an instinct would make it so…and there behind me was the beast which I believe had been following me…It was large and covered with hair and had large claws which could tear a man apart…it stood there snarling at me  but did not move nor make an offensive action…we stood there staring at one another for quite awhile…neither of us moving…

  I took note that the beast was the color of its surroundings and I realized why I could not see it in the swamp before as it blended in so completely…I took a defensive position my sword at the ready…wondering why it waited…why was it not charging…then  with a faint whimper it slipped back into the swamp and disappeared without a trace nor evidence it had even been there…I turned slowly in all directions thinking perhaps it was circling me finding a better vantage point to attack….but it did not reappear…after a long enough time to assure myself it had left the area I continued toward the opening beyond the trees which opened up to a scene that filled my heart with jubilation…. I had found the sea!!!.

  With a smile on my weary face I ran into the water and splashed about like a child discovering the water for the first time…Oh what a glorious day this was….I took note that it was a small cove not at all a harbor but still large enough to beach a craft. Admiral Aiken had made a note concerning this…that if indeed this was the Island they had encountered, His log mentioned no harbors just small coves and beaches…But I still did not know if this was the Island that was encountered by the Helisto  fleet that day…but perhaps…just perhaps,,,it was.