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Facing Today

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-07-23 10:10:08 am Category General Viewed 492 times Likes 7

Today I put on my happy face as I met with Jacobed concerning the project and we came to an agreement and partnership. His Father who is on the Captians Council of Port Kar procured permission from the Council so That we could move forward… Smiles… For a price of course. We hired Builders and metal workers… we purchased land in a safe convienet place, and we hired valiant Men as guards whom I would train as I did the elite guards on Helisto. Today I put on my most contented face so that those around me would see that I am at peace with my lot in life, I miss the time I spent on Helisto, the building of the Keep and the training of the Men, I miss my house and my Library, But now I am forging a new adventure, a new moment which will shape my future. Today I put on the face of determination, The task ahead is set…For I Am Quin

2019-07-23 7:06:18 pm
Wait....that's the contented face? :P Just kidding. Great job, Free Man!
2019-07-23 7:38:04 pm
Waits to see the triming of said beard ,......
2019-07-29 8:48:22 am
Smiles...A truth beyond measure and a comment to treasure