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Giving Birth To A Dream

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-07-27 10:48:46 am Category General Viewed 314 times Likes 7

For the last month I have been staying at Jacobeds house in a guest house attached to the main residence. He has made available to me His Fathers kajira to keep me well cared for and while I had permission to I did not take advantage of the more intimate aspects of their use…smiles..however they do give a very nice bath and kept my clothes clean…one…elsa…was given the task of trimming my beard…but I am sure you are not at all interested in that so I will shave off that part of the story and move on…grinz…

So far we have not settled on just the right place for the depository but we have been training the men preparing them for the task ahead. The training includes the development of skills in climbing, knife throwing, riding kaillia, throwing the bola, and combat assassination without weapons. Each will carry 20 knives of various sizes shealthed and straped across the chest and around the waist with a bola attached to a belt on the left hip. They will have a sword sheathed across their back from right shoulder to left hip. They will be dressed completely in black. The training will be complete only when the guard can throw the knives acurately while running hitting a target from 20 to 30 yards

Jacobed and I were enjoying the evening sea breeze off of His back deck looking over the water when I began staring at the jutting mountainous rocks across from us…when He noticed what I was staring at he came over to me and as if he could read my mind He said “Aye Akab we could indeed build it there”

We laffed heartily realizing we were both thinking the same thing. And so it was that the dream was born to build the depository into the rock surrounded by guards just across from the Captain’s Council’s house…making it nearly unapproachable.