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Restless Nights and Watchful Days

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-07-31 3:23:00 pm Category General Viewed 310 times Likes 9

Captain Tesla and His 3 remaining crewman and myself spent the next two weeks on the Island. We moved into the Captains House near the Ghost city and worked in both directions to cut a trail from my Cavern to the beach. We worked hard to clear the way as well as packing the crates near the waterfall and by the temple where we were staying. We often sat around at night telling tales of the Island that has been around for eons…From the time of the earliest evidence of the Priest Kings… I told them about the mysterious white light that destroyed an entire army and of the sores that brought death to an entire culture. We discussed the encounter Helisto had here and the strange meaning of the bag and the lantern. We worked all day but our nights were restless filled with strange dreams and eerie sounds…In all the time I have stayed on Katoteros there was always a strangeness and often a foreboding atmosphere that you could not shake… soon all the work was completed and the crates were packed and sealed…Everything was ready for transport.

The Men were anxious to get off this Island and away from the certain doom that permeated this place. So we built a Tarn Basket to hook onto Stealth and I took them back to Port Kar.

Once back to Port Kar I paid the Captain and His crew the full amount agreed upon and an extra portion for the families of the sailors who died in the storm… Having said our goodbyes I headed for the guest house and the service of a bath girl.