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Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-08-03 11:26:57 am Category General Viewed 453 times Likes 6

Another night at the Red silk tavern, seems that’s where Jacobeb goes every night, but tonight was different…mara was conspicuously not there…My friend was agitated and anxious…always looking around checking the corners…and after an hour he even checked the alcoves which caused quite a commotion among the guests…I had to drag Him out of the tavern and calm Him down…after a few moments He had control again and we went back in enjoying the evening with tall tales..paga..and dancing kajira…I was also concerned about mara’s absence but for a completely different reason.

The next day as Jacobed and I were in the His father’s study pouring over maps and charts I looked up to see a rather stunning young woman with auburn hair and green eyes..a Free not a slave and I bumped my friends arm and pointed to the girl…He looked up and smiled then went back to the chart before him and said only “That’s my cousin Harper” She would turn out to be His Father’s brothers daughter who lived near by on Captin’s Row… I tried to get back to the charts but found myself rather captivated by her beauty and innocence.

I thought it odd that she had never shown herself till now and then for no reason I could think of the girl was everywhere I was. I could not turn nor go without her being in my line of sight…she rarely spoke but when she did it was like a summer breeze and her laughter like a small stream flowing over rocks… I spoke to her a few times and when I did she would smile or giggle and turn away…how very odd…

Then one day she shows up in a white summer dress but instead of young lady in front of me there was this fully grown woman, wise and savvy instead of innocent and childlike the change was so drastic I thought it might be someone else but she marched right up to me, stuck out her hand for me to grasp and she said.. “Tal Warrior, I am Harper” I was so taken back I just stood there with my mouth open…Well Damn I said…then laughed quietly…. “ I am Quin…well Met Lady Harper”

The giggle was gone and in it’s place was a self-assured woman able to carry on an adult conversation and we spent the afternoon together, talking and enjoying each other’s company…before I knew it the evening had arrived and I had not accomplished one damn thing…

Later that evening Jacobed came to me and tormented me with His offbeat Humor saying he would speak to His Uncle about a contract to FC Harper…I was not pleased and protested loudly that I had no wish to be in a companion relationship even with so lovely a lady as Harper…he kept at it I kept denning any interest…we laughed some more and went to the Tavern…I kept a tavern girl by me all evening as My friend  was with mara…who had no real excuse for where she was the last few nights…I grew more and more uneasy about the whole situation and I kept thinking about the robed figure who kept watch over our work.

2019-08-03 2:06:27 pm
lol...protesteth too much...much?
2019-08-03 6:48:09 pm
I will escape...I will escape...after all I am writing this..laffs