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Two Sides Of the Same Coin

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-08-05 1:29:03 pm Category General Viewed 261 times Likes 5

It was early in the morning just after daylight….the water was smooth like glass and a hazy fog was just above the ground like a warm blanket…people were waking up from their sleep and the noise of new beginnings echoed in the distance. In a small corner of Port Kar where shadows still overcame the light a group of individuals talked in whispers, each attempting to make their point and become the focus of the conversation. A single firm female voice ended the conversation and commanded the attention of the rest. As she spoke it was clear that she was in charge and her direction would be the one followed. She had gained the respect of the others due to her experience and success in recent enterprises which had netted much in the way of bounty. They were thieves and good at it…avoiding the authorities at every turn and somehow staying one step ahead of those who sought them.

Alright stop arguing she said…we can not steal all of it..there is too much and they are too well guarded…We have to hit hard ,fast, and grab what we can..then disappear as quickly as we arrived…there and gone before they know what hit them…There is only one place we can be successful and that is when they are in the channel heading for the vault…there will only be one ship with the crates as the fleet will be in the harbor…But Quin is no fool he will be ready for any attempt made against the ship. Jacobed brags about His partner how smart He is…well Gentleman we are about to show Him that We are smarter…The small ship will be most vulnerable when it is anchored for the night just outside the vault…I have gathered information that suggests they will arrive under cover of darkness and anchor in the shallows…I do not know what day yet but I am working on it… I have chosen you men specifically because you have certain skills I need to pull this off…The men were impressed with the plan but one rather gruff fellow looked at her and said….It looks good mara…but if this fails you will pay the price…

They all exited the building with mara in the lead, all with face coverings to mask their identities, when a female voice rang out

“Cato..Is That You?”

The Day started as usual for the lady of the House…with all the duties of a Free Woman…she had plans and agenda items which of course must be adhered to in order with no interruption ...Oh No… we can not tolerate anything that would impede the completion of each task, A smile spread across Her freckled face as she allowed thoughts of the other day to pass through Her mind…A twinkle flashed in green eyes as some of those thoughts were quite wicked…She giggled, then frowned as she had vowed to stop that childish behavior…It would not do for a woman to act that way. But Damn she thought it is hard not to when I think of Him…She forced Herself to focus on the task at hand when in her mind flashed a memory…something Jacobed had asked Her to do and she was supposed to do it last night…she ran to Her Father’s Study and called out to Him but He was not there…she ran to Her Mother’s apothecary where she sold herbs and medicinal medicines yelling as she was running.. “Mother…Mother!!!”…allmost out of breath…”where is Father…I must speak to Him right away”  Calm down girl…what is all this fuss about…Catching her breath she spoke quickly…I must speak to Father immediately..Jacobed needs Him at a certain place and I was supposed to tell Him last night…anddd….Hush Her Mother interrupted…your Father is down near the docks and will not be back till evening and you can not go to the docks…But Mother I must I simply MUST talk to Him It is Important to Jacobed…No girl just stop… Jacobed and His foolish enterprise will have to wait….

Harper turned and left but was determined to talk to Her father so she slipped off heading toward the docks and as she approached the area near the water she saw a group of masked individuals coming from an ally when she thought she recognized one of them and called out…Cato…Is that you?