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We May Never Know

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-08-13 1:20:33 pm Category General Viewed 288 times Likes 7

There was barely a sound made by the men as they entered the warehouse from every possible escape effectively blocking those exits. Others began to enter and search for Harper and to assassinate every member of this band of thieves. There was no mercy in their orders… And so it was as Harper lay dying on the cold floor, each breath was hard fought for as broken ribs and facial fractures made painful the very act of capturing life sustaining air… That each member of the men holding her were eliminated. Every one that is except mara…

she was returning from her watch over the vault hoping to see the ship bringing in the treasure when she observed the men entering the place where her companions were hiding…she quickly turned and ran to the docks and giving up any hope of securing her future with the raid on the ship she instead boarded a ship heading to Asperiche, the mission had failed, and the only thing on her mind was escaping…but why Asperiche, why go there…perhaps she was determined to find her father as it was in Asperiche that she was conceived…perhaps He was still there or some family that could answer that never answered question. What irk of fate had Father and Daughter so close to each other with no idea who they were… Perhaps they would never know for fate is a fickle bird that once encountered flys away…

Quin searched each room and hidden space for Harper hoping against hope that she would still be alive…Then with a forceful kick against a locked door He busted in on an almost lifeless body of a badly beaten Harper…He moved quickly to Her and gathered her into His arms...

 ...carrying Her from the building, past the men, past the dead bodies of the thieves, past Jacobed, and past all the people in the streets…He did not stop nor was he hindered as he took Harper to the tarn cot…placed Her carefully on the saddle…jumped aboard…and lifted off flying south…

Three months later…

Harpers Father met with Jacobed His face showing the concern that His voice revealed… “Have you heard anything at all? Does anyone know where Quin and Harper are?” Jacobed shook His head  no, His eyes searching for answers… Not a word from them Uncle, the last anyone saw of them was His tarn and Harper going south… there are rumors and whispers that they went to Katoteros and some have claimed to have seen them in the Barrens…But nothing is for certain and no one really knows…But this one thing I know Uncle..wher ever they are Quin will take good cae of Her, rest assured of that.

The ship bringing the treasures arrived and all had been placed in the vault…The special doors made by Scythes arrived and put in place…the guards keep watch on the vault and three bookkeepers were hired to dispense and keep track of all that was spent…a bimonthly report of the expenditures was sent to Kyrielle, a close friend of Quin, and there are those who say she is the only person who knows where Quin and Harper are and that she keeps Him updated on the treasure.

As for me (Jacobed) I am the new owner of the Red Silk Tavern and I continue to search for mara but she is nowhere to be found…Perhaps we will never know the answers to these questions that haunt our dreams… Perhaps all we can do is wait…


2019-08-13 2:29:43 pm
A beautiful tale. Thank you, Quin.
2019-08-13 3:46:16 pm
girl is glad that your Harper was found even tho the shape she was in would take some time to heal...girl prays you both find for girl she searches for her Jarl every day and working in the Red Silk Tavern has it's pleasures that makes the Owner Jacobed happy...but girls slave belly will not be burning bright till her Jarl appears love the read..and thank you
2019-08-13 11:48:20 pm
That was worth the reading. Thanks for the adventure, Quin.