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Quin's Profile

Current Mood: Content
Quin (John, Quin)
Male - *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Updated: 2020-01-06 2:26:32 pm Viewed 1,263 times Likes 14

I am a Strong Dominate Male...Having said that...I believe that the Dom/sub relationship is one of trust, Love is extra but not necessary, Trust is the fabric that allows a sub to place themselves in the hands of another for structure and discipline, I am Gorean by nature  I am Older than my Adult Role Play Character

  ...My sarcasm is sharp and my bark is usually to be heeded as you do not want to experience the bite.....I am old school...If I say I am pleased take it as a High not wait around for praise it is not coming...I am gentle at times I am harsh at not ever lie to me for any reason. I am Quin your most loyal friend or most dangerous enemy....Tal.... I own harper she is completely mine both online and in real life.