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What further properties must he show before religious missionaries must consider him worthy of attempts at conversion

Current Mood: Devilish
TheDevilsGuru (Rusty , James )
Male - 54 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2018-12-30 10:27:12 pm Category General Viewed 247 times Likes 0

If chimpanzees have consciousness, if they are capable of abstractions, do they not have what until now has been described as "human rights"? How smart does a chimpanzee have to be before killing him constitutes murder? What further properties must he show before religious missionaries must
consider him worthy of attempts at conversion?

2019-01-01 1:37:12 am
In the history of communication between apes and man not one ape has ever asked a question. Conscious thought is fine and all, but chimps are not nearly as smart as some people would like to give them credit for.
2019-01-05 2:42:00 pm
fair enuff

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