Female - Cirdan Shipyards, Port Kar, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, and looking
Posted: 2016-01-20 8:11:04 pm Category General Viewed 159 times Likes 0
Where in the books does it state that the archepelago is ruled by Cos? In raiders I read that they were a group of islands shaped like a scimitar near Cos each governed by nothing more than a village. Where in the books of gor does it state said area is a wildlife sanctuary and Hunjer whale breeding ground? Thank you for responding.
"There were the northern islands, of course, and they were numerous, but small, extending in an archipelago like a scimitar northeastward from Cos, which lay some four hundred pasangs west of Port Kar. But these islands were not united, and, indeed, the government of them was usualy no more than a village council. They usually possessed no vessels more noteworthy than clinker-built skiffs and coasters." -- Raiders of Gor page 106 -- This is all that sevda could find as well, Mistress.
However, as this is a roleplay environment, sevda would think that there would really be nothing stopping the imagination and creativity of those doing their own roleplay as they see fit. As long as it is within the realm of Gorean possibility, of course, Mistress.
You're not in the books either, nor are the rest of us. Gorean role-play isn't about conforming verbatim to the books. If that were so, eveyone would have book characters and be confined to a pre-defined role and script. So, it doesn't matter if the books says it is a sanctuary. What would is whether or not such a sanctuary could be imposed within the norm of Gorean standards, customs, and so forth. It certainly goes beyond the standard of a city only having influence within it's walls.
Yes, but most of us aren't running around putting ourselves into the RP of others and changing the outcome just for whatever attention we can get because we are so despised that no one with any scruples or sense of decency will have anything to do with us.
Yeah, that's for sure. Manon & Co, have been way out in the Twilight Zone for some time now, with the whale preserve just the latest foray therein. Their acting out over such nonsense is certainly getting them the attention they crave, though, so we are still having plenty to do with them in a way, even if just remotely.
Actually I had a question and I asked it. It is my right to do so. If you dont like it simply choose to refrain from commenting. It id that simple really.
Isk, My understanding is, several years ago a wonderful Gorean RPer, named the largest of those chain of islands; the name literally meaning "Pirates Cove". Since that time, all active Rpers have respected that name and island, for what it is. (em, even cosians recognize it, and that Pirate reallly hated cosians as per His RP)