A fresh cord of split seasoned oak and poplar on the mudporch, four racks of deer ribs thawing in the fridge, a half gallon of sweet feed shine... the HELL with it, let it pile up earlobe high...
ice here lots of it, it seem, 20 miles down the road at my kiddos, snow, hope everybody stays warm, just took my nephew 2 hours to get home from a 45 minutes drive.. Be safe Mistress and Others.
Be safe. we are under a storm watch till tommorrow night. So far we have had high winds, lost the power once already and its been rain mixed with a bit of ice.
South East Texas only got the very edge...a mere whisper of the storm, mostly strong wind gusts and a good drenching. Y'all be careful up there where You are. Hunker down, whip up lots of stew and chili, and stay warm! Ooo! And iffen Ya can, take some pics. I like snow, cuz it's extremely rare down here. ~ PenZ