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Winter Storm Jonas

Current Mood: Blank
Elérí (Eleri, Cirdan)
Female - Cirdan Shipyards, Port Kar, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, and looking

Posted: 2016-01-21 11:32:59 pm Category General Viewed 88 times Likes 0
I am one of the millions that will be affected by Winter Storm Jonas. I pray that everyone stays safe and out of harm's way this weekend.
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2016-01-21 11:36:45 pm
Please stay safe & warm Mistress, i will be keeping candles lit and all in the storm's path in my thoughts.
2016-01-21 11:37:36 pm
sevda will be as well, Mistress. Thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected. Please be safe and warm!
2016-01-22 12:31:04 am
Heatwave here in Central Oregon. 45 @ 930pm. Be safe and stay warm.
2016-01-22 12:41:32 am
A fresh cord of split seasoned oak and poplar on the mudporch, four racks of deer ribs thawing in the fridge, a half gallon of sweet feed shine... the HELL with it, let it pile up earlobe high...
2016-01-22 12:47:22 am
I do wish all the rest of you well and hope you weather the storm with as little trouble as possible.
2016-01-22 2:34:19 am
ice here lots of it, it seem, 20 miles down the road at my kiddos, snow, hope everybody stays warm, just took my nephew 2 hours to get home from a 45 minutes drive.. Be safe Mistress and Others.
2016-01-22 5:10:30 am
On a blizzard watch as of today woo.
2016-01-22 10:00:32 am
Be safe. we are under a storm watch till tommorrow night. So far we have had high winds, lost the power once already and its been rain mixed with a bit of ice.
2016-01-22 10:02:31 am
8 inches of snow on the truck since this morning
2016-01-22 11:00:14 am
Going to brave town seems not to be to bad right in front of the house, but on further snow, be safe out there.
2016-01-22 1:56:00 pm
Be safe everyone.
2016-01-22 3:14:52 pm
South East Texas only got the very edge...a mere whisper of the storm, mostly strong wind gusts and a good drenching. Y'all be careful up there where You are. Hunker down, whip up lots of stew and chili, and stay warm! Ooo! And iffen Ya can, take some pics. I like snow, cuz it's extremely rare down here. ~ PenZ
2016-01-22 5:36:50 pm
46 and sunny here. Shorts weather.
2016-01-23 11:57:08 am
16 inches so far
2016-01-23 12:21:00 pm
bundle up sister, nothing here today, but it's cold out there