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Elérí's Profile

Current Mood: Blank
Elérí (Eleri, Cirdan)
Female - Cirdan Shipyards, Port Kar, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, and looking

Updated: 2016-03-02 3:00:44 pm Viewed 98 times Likes 0

Sagacious mind far beyond the physicality of time spent alive, she was simply, at times, too shrewd for her own good. Tenacious in spirit, both genetically and learned. Rapacious to the core no doubt about it; given the very nature of her breeding and the lavishness she grew up in it is to be expected, no, demanded. Loquaciously gifted. Insanity never looked so good or showed itself in such a sweet package. Soft and frilly on the outside, cold and deadly on the inside. Gregarious of heart, for there was no other way to be in such a large and boisterous household. Hedonistic in make-up, again with the genetics. Timeless in beauty, grace, loyalties, and humor.  

She is...


Eleri... a Karian Princess