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People who accuse without any backing

Current Mood: Good
Skirik (Skirik, *)
Male - 59 years old, traveling, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-05-29 1:46:52 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 384 times Likes 6

  Today i was accused of being a dueller because of a NON Gorean personna i have had for years, the accuser then deleted their account. WTF people look at the main photos etc, nothing gorean about it. Why do people feel the need to cause additional drama when we all have enough in our real lives. Truthfully even though to be accused pissed me off i also know the people who know me from my time in Gor know for a FACT not by rumor that i have never used nor had a 2nd gorean account and name. I live my life outside this site with honor,it was how i was raised by my father for the 50 years of his life i had him in mine before he passed away providing for his family. To accuse then delete the account shows a blatant lack of honor. I may not know the books inside and out but nobody can say i didn't try my best and was never against learning to be better at running my character. Guess what? I am still standing with the same personna i started with. THAT in itself speaks volumes. Far as i am concerned this subject is over and whom i choose to associate with is my business, i have friends others may not agree with BUT those people have never screwed me over so far. That's what counts to me.

2019-05-29 8:12:28 pm
Thank you Tammy
2019-05-30 7:56:49 am
Dualling is a difficult topic. Often VERY hard to prove, and conversely difficult to DISPROVE. I think responding to gorean blogs in an out of character name straddles and blurs the lines. I think any time we either write a blog ' about' Gor, we really ought to do so in our gorean name, as opposed to an out of character account. We are responsible for what we say, as goreans. Why hide behind a non gorean name to post a response to a gorean blog, in content, in part or in whole?
2019-05-30 7:58:38 am
I don't know who accused you of dualling, Skirik. I hope you find out " who" and approach them directly. Have a face to face and get the matter resolved. I wish you only the best.