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Temporary assumption of command

Current Mood: Good
Skirik (Skirik, *)
Male - 59 years old, traveling, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-06-23 7:38:37 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 461 times Likes 3

roid sans,tahoma; font-size:16px">While Tok handles business of a personal nature i have resumed command in his absence. Word has reached me that his infiltrators IF they exist, have been eliminated by the so called special forces trained troopers of Helisto.. To this end i have pulled the ships back and cast a net about the island calling in several other fleets of Tok's to effectively set up a blockade.. No ships are to enter or exit until such time as Tok gives the command to end the blockade, until that time i am authorizing an additional percentage of goods taken from ships attempting to bring supplies to Helisto to be shared amongst the crew share already in place. Folks want to play spec ops training from earth, then let us see how they do when no further supplies are allowed through.