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Holidays 2

Current Mood: Good
Skirik (Skirik, *)
Male - 59 years old, traveling, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single

Posted: 2019-12-29 3:19:29 pm Category General Viewed 438 times Likes 1

  Don't know why but everything in my family goes to pot during the holiday season. And folks wonder why i dread the season.. I now understand the drive to find a cave and disappear.

2019-12-29 5:23:02 pm
sorry Master seems when we get older the Holidays diminish it is mainly for the young people forget about the elders Happy New Year
2019-12-29 6:04:07 pm
It depends on what you expect. When I'm a million years old, I'll still like holidays for reconnecting with My God, My family and friends, to remind Me that I'm not alone in this insane place. Don't worry Skirik, a new year is right around the corner, and you get a respite until Easter :P!