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Haigan's Blog

2021-12-31 6:56:18 pm by Haigan in category General
I spent the final day of the year as I have spent many others, engaged in an age old tradition, one that even my Gorean alter ego Haigan would have been proud of and most satisified with, trading at the Three Creeks Rendevous. This annual event is a gathering of local folk in the fields along the confluence of three distinct mountain streams. The business of the day is barter and comraderie,...
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2021-07-19 10:33:17 pm by Haigan in category General
Earlier this month I made the decision to put one of my long time hobbies to work for several reasons. First and foremost being an excess of time on my hands during the wee hours of the morning due to the joys of insomnia, second thereof being to defray the cost of fly tying materials, and last but not least being that I simply like money. It's useful stuff, it keeps me in fresh provisions...
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2021-07-07 11:17:46 am by Haigan in category General
Tal and good morning Goreans.  Just a note to dispel any fervent hopes and unfounded rumors. :D No I am not dead, just busy with real life. Things are going well for me actually. I'm healthy, I'm happy, and I'm starting my third company since the onset of Covid. The remodeling and forestry products start ups are growing daily, and with this third venture I will...
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2021-04-01 11:24:23 am by Haigan in category RolePlay
I had traveled some sixty pasangs afoot in the last three days. I felt now the weight of each step it seemed, I was worn, and tired. I felt as if the last of my energy had been expended by the effort of the pilgrimage to the town where I now sojourned. Dawn came cold and bleak with a pale silvery steel grey sky across which a scant snow blew, the frozen remains of the steady drizzling rain of the...
2021-04-01 3:37:43 am by Haigan in category RolePlay
I don't sleep much. When I do it usually isn't for long. There are times that I can't sleep for days. Those are the times that I'm most dangerous. When I'm feeling pent up, feeling boxed in, feeling cornered, feeling the past reaching out to reclaim me once again. Feeling trapped with no way out.  We live in a world filled with random dangers. Some dangers are natural,...