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Time to get out of the Swamp..... (RoG) Gorean roleplay

Current Mood: Good
Fury (*, *)
Female - 58 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2020-03-18 5:43:57 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 140 times Likes 3

She pinched her eyes more tightly shut as she tried to cling to the last vestiges of a restless nights sleep. The ray of light passing through her window and directly onto her forehead- not helping matters at all - before she finally succumbs to the demand of morning and wakefulness. Tossing her woven blanket aside with a little more of a huff than necessary before shifting to sitting .... and thinking.

She'd had a rough night odd dreams and fading in and out of that restless sleep that keeps one tossing and turning and unable to find a comfortable position. Was it all a dream? Tarns? Broken Bosks? Tarsks *with* broken bosks??

She thought harder still...

No, She'd heard what she heard... it WAS a bosk... the only way such a creature could make it out here was to have been dropped from the sky... and since bosk don't fly, the next logical fact would have to be perhaps a tarn were carrying a bosk and it fell. But.... how would a tarn carry a bosk? a bosk basket? She'd never heard of such a thing, and shook her head to in response to that thought.

Then her shoulders sunk a bit as the next thought crept back into her mind... maybe she'd been out here, alone, too long... maybe her mind was playing tricks on her... maybe she was going crazy...

She muttered out loud to herself...

"Bosks and tarsks hanging out together in the marshes - like that isn't an invitation to draw Ul closer"

She gasped then as she realised that now she was talking to herself. Pausing to think if she'd done that often in the past... maybe a little... Then figured since she was indeed now talking to herself she may as well reason out loud - no sense in bottling all her thoughts up and recycling them again and again and so she began....

"Alright... so... facts. I didnt get the fish off the line last night, BECAUSE, I heard a bosk. I followed the sound because it DID make noise... but I found no bosk. I called to the bosk, trying to make it sound again- and then I heard a tarsk grunt..."

She fell silent then as hearing her words out loud made them sound as unbelievable as they actually were, and hearing them solidified her thought that she was indeed going crazy out here. She needed to get out - and now.

Pulling on her boots and changing from her sleeping tunic into familiar and well worn black leathers and her day tunic, cinched at the waist with a leather belt that held a small sheath into which her dirk fit perfectly before adding the other various small blades she kept upon her form into their proper places, then brushing and braiding the dark main of hair into a snake that hung to the small of her back

She then grabbed her normal traveling bag that included the requisite veil and robes for most cities and some odds and ends that would be necessary for traveling - hauling this down the decking to her skiff and noting that the water was much higher than it had been previously - had it rained that much?? Maybe getting out of the Marsh was an even better idea than she first anticipated. While the den was designed to survive rising waters , did she really want to be stuck in a makeshift houseboat?

No. She didn't.

Placing her bag into the skiff she made her way back and packed up other provisions in another burlap sack as she figured she'd not be back for some time. Maybe a stay in a city would do her good. Maybe someplace that wasn't Port Kar - maybe Some place cleaner - maybe some place occupied by people that weren't the seedy sort.

Yeah, she could figure out where she was headed while she went.

Lastly, she dug up her hiding place where she kept a small crate of coins and gems that might be necessary for trade where ever she went. Once all of these things were loaded into her skiff, she made one final trip back to the Den taking the small travel crate ,and juvenile jit she'd been training to retrieve shiny things for her, along with his harness and leather lead and loaded him as well.

She had one last look around then nodded and settled in on the skiff, easily paddling along the higher waters surrounding her part of the marsh.....