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A new day in Port Kar - finding the living pt.1 (RoG post-apocalypic Gorean Roleplay)

Current Mood: Good
Fury (*, *)
Female - 58 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2020-03-22 8:16:00 pm Category RolePlay Viewed 255 times Likes 3

[12:23p] › You are now known as Fury.

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[12:54p] › Fury changes topic to: (RoG) Port Kar Post-apocalyptic Roleplay

[12:56p] › Fury changes welcome message to: Remnants of Gor Post-apocalyptic Roleplay. Currently along the Docks of Port Kar. Roleplay in


 › Dalamar─O has joined the conversation.

 Dalamar─O: Yeah, more bodies. Not as many as that one Brundisium gate but enough to tell there was some sort of panic. I nock an arrow to the bow from a quiver on my back and proceed inside, keeping an eye out for giant urts, sleen, or slave girls rabidly seeking protection. But more for the animals.The streets aren't exactly empty; regular urts, scavenger birds, and the smell...strong enough to have its own presence. Had i brought the little wagon along, it would have been gruesome work getting it through the streets. And what the heck kind of dream was that? I need more sleep, seriously. At least the wagon wasn't broken, it could have been much worse.I make my way through the city, going to a couple of specific places. One is a house i used to visit with some friends. I don't go in, I don't want to see them that way. Another is a section of the slums, and this place looks pretty bad. Some of it's been burned down, maybe they were attacked? Or some sort of sickness prevention was in mind? I can't tell. I'm not sure I want to. I go to that fountain near the docks, in that market district where i had the kebabs, and sit down on the edge to look at the water. No bodies in the water, smells ok...comparatively, and after a taste seems okay. I take the hat off carefully, putting it aside out of the way, then takes a few heavy drinks of the water, dunking my face in and waking up some more

Fury: as I awoke from my short nights sleep, still not fully caught up from the previous nights restlessness, I was sure glad that the dreams hadn't plagued me again. I had slept like a rock this time, I'd put in a good nights work securing the things I needed for my travel and soon it would be time to secure my passage on a ship out of here.I yawned, stretched and made my way out of the warehouse office space and into the warehouse itself where I've squirreled away my personal belongings from my den and skiff as well as the things I'd procured from the pallets that sat along the docks. Grabbing a few more tospits and a piece of jerky as well as a hair brush I went back to the office , fed the jit, brushed and braided my hair, - then turning the jit loose in the warehouse for some exercise I made my way outside..The bright sunshine causing me to squint a bit in contrast to the cool darkness inside the warehouse I'd holed up in... I moved a hand to shade my eyes and look around. It was then that I realised that there was something totally amiss... there still was no movement on the docks... the loads sat where they were left, untouched except by me. Stunned, I took in the eerie silence of the normally bustling docks, the only real movement and noise came from scurrying urts and the water lapping against the vessels tethered there. For a ihn or three I simply stood there in my own silence before whispering in disbelief.... "what the heck?? Where is everyone?"

Dalamar─O:  Much better. I pick up the bow and arrow again and sit down again on the edge of the fountain. There was a food vendor just there, and a tavern over there...and that one restaurant. I wonder.... I get up and go to said restaurant and go inside, and head to the back, waving the air in front of me away because of the smell. Not so much because of the death smell but rotting meat left out. I carefully pick that stuff up and put it in a trash box and toss it out the back

Fury: I took a few cautious steps, my left hand laying to the hilt of the small dirk that I carry on my left side tucked into the belt - Mostly out of force of habit when I felt a sense of trouble - not that it would actually help if there were. I stepped carefully and silently to the nearest pallet awaiting loading and peered around it.... no one. I then crept along the pier and up the loading dock of the vessel the pallet sat before, peering inside for signs of movement or life... Again. Nothing. I paused for a moment... taking a gingerly step off the plank and into the cargo hold of the vessel itself... only the sound of a deep creaking met my ears - and apparently no one else's. I then sat on a crate inside and thought.

Dalamar─O: I then look for the ice room, and after a couple minutes of poking around, i find...meat. All frozen, neat little stacks, wrapped in what looks like wax paper. Freaking sweet, that bosk can see what its like about butter frying. Uh, what? Stead man, steady.

Fury: something was wrong... something was very very wrong. Did the storm send a surge into the port that caused everyone to run for the hills? ... no that made no sense whatsoever - the pallets were dry... the cargos were dry.... the warehouse entrance was dry.... so what could have happened that made everyone vacate... and leave all this good stuff?? I leaned back against the wall of the ship , a very ominous sense wrapping its icy hold around me. None of this made any sense. A small spider skittered over my boot and into some random boxes to my right and I turned a gaze there as my thinking continued.... there were urts, and this spider, and the bints in the water on her trip... What there 'weren't' was people, and the lack of tarn traffic on my way to Port Kar... “where would the people have gone?” She caught herself speaking to herself again and shut up quick... this wasn't the time to continue on with the thinking she was going crazy thing. Even if she never found that bosk, or the tarsk, that had to fall from the sky in the middle of her 'swamp'. At that point she stood up and headed back out of the cargo hold...  “I suppose it's time to head to the market square to ask what the heck is going on....” she pinched her lips shut, there she was doing it again ... mentally chiding herself to stop that. Then picking her way through the alley between warehouses towards market street.

Dalamar─O: Well then. Time for a manly activity. We don't want all this meat to go to waste, now, do we? I'll worry later about how to get it all back to the wagon. At least no one died in the actual kitchen. I give the grill a good wipe down and fire it up, moving back and forth between the ice room and the kitchen. I wash my hands then turn to the main room of the establishment...if I'm gonna eat least there ain't that many bodies. I start to drag them out, by their clothes, i ain't touching skin. I get most of the bodies out when i hear the sounds of sizzling meat, and go back in and get the last corpse out, putting it next to a nearby pile, and i go back inside and wash my hands in the soapy water i used to clean the grill. Then turn the meat. I get an idea then go look for some onions...slice those up and toss those on a metal plate on the grill for frying smaller stuff...steak and fried onions. And I ain't gotta pay for it and I dropped the stupid bow again. Guess I'm not used to carrying one. After looking for it and finding it near the ice room door, I put it near the grill, and the arrow back in the quiver. More meat flipping ensues. This is gonna be some good meals, for a little while. Some well done, some medium...iI get some of that wrapping paper and start putting meat in it, adding some onions when i can stuff them in. Smelling good in here now. Which gives me an idea, though it's against my nature. I could set up here. ...nah, I'd best not. More wrapping, more onions. Then I'm done. This is...a lot of meat. I'm hungry but not for long. I put a cloth over the stacks i cooked and carry some meat outside and sit down in a chair near the door, and begin eating

Fury: it was then - stepping from between the buildings and into the open street that SHOULD have been a bustling metropolis type area - that I saw the first dead body. The breath caught in my lungs as I  inhaled a soft gasp, and wondered why the pour soul hadnt been cast out to sea. Did he lose a fight? no dignified send off? ... I turned to my right and saw another, and then another... people seemed to have just dropped where they stood - this was no fight. I shook her head trying to clear it from the thoughts of 'this is too crazy to be true' and 'Fury, you're officially going loo-loo' And ! spoke out loud again hoping maybe someone would hear her and get help because obviously she WAS going crazy...“No... this is not true, this is not happening, this is a figment of your sick imagination . These people arent dead. You're seeing things.”  and with that she forced herself over to a dead body and kicked it -hard “Fucking hell! It is dead!” She looked around - circling a pivot to the right seeing body after body where shoppers and vendors and groups just gathering to yak should have stood.... “this is not fucking right.... this is not right... at all.” Suddenly I paused in my near panicked rant... Smoke, I smelled smoke... the kind of smoke that comes from burned out buildings - smoldering embers - but also... it smelled like someone was cooking. Who would be cooking among the dead? I could only surmise that whoever was cooking had somehow killed all these people and that they were somehow celebrating. I needed to know - so I began following the scent. I stuck close to the walls and shadows so as not to make myself known. I kept my hand on that dirk hilt and wished that it was a longer blade. I actually wished I hadn't left the Den yesterday... I wished I didn't find dead people... I wished I were anywhere but here hunting some killer that dropped hundreds of people without any sign of a struggle.

 Dalamar─O: after the second steak..and these ain't small pieces of meat...i lean back in the chair and close my eyes, rubbing my stomach. I ain't ate that good in a while, and so freaking good! I'll have to install an ice room in the wagon somehow, though i've no idea how i'd keep ice in it nowadays. I could probably take some of the ice from here, and look for others, but not right now. I'm full and don't want to do anything stressful. Because meat.

Fury: I tracked the scent as diligently as I'd tried to track the bosk that fell from the sky - I didnt find that but I *would* find the cooking meat, Cooking meat didn't move - or stop sending its signal out to me... I rounded a corner and stopped dead in my tracks.. There he was, the one live Man in the market district... Or at least he *looked* alive... he wasnt that dead ashen color that everyone else that was dead, was. And he wasn't a small Man to be sure. What he was, however, was relaxed. I didnt rush in... he had weapons, I could see them. So instead I watched intently from my place in the shadows hidden around the corner... just peeking across at him without making any irrational moves.

Dalamar─O: Burp. Ugh. I look at the sun, not too much time's gone by. I get up and go back inside and start to look for a box or something to carry all this yummy food in. I probably should have brought the smaller wagon after all, but that accusing was just a dream, stupid. Bosk can't talk no matter how little sleep you get.

Fury: He'd re-entered the building and moved out of my line of sight... I considered what I was going to do. What if he went out some back door and I lost sight of him entirely - some maniac killer on the loose in the same city I was in... he could sneak up on me at any time. Yeah that wasnt an option. I had to get closer. I had to see what he was up to. I had to keep the sneaking-upper-hand in this. So I darted from my hiding place and across the street to the building he'd gone into...ducking against its sides and carefully peeking through the windows of the place. I watched the Man move around inside the establishment, he appeared to be packing things up... maybe he *was* going to make an escape out the back door. Suddenly I was glad I'd taken the initiative to see... if this was the fella that was killing everyone, I was gonna get to him before he got to me.

Dalamar─O:  a box is easy enough to find, but all this meat is heavy, and, I can tell without having to go very far, tiring. Definitely should have brought the wagon. This is going to get old fast. Dammit this is what slaves are for. And wimmen. Definitely not for Outlaws. I'd complain to whoever's in charge but I wouldn't want to be labeled a whiner. So I stick an arm through the bow and sling it onto my back, and pick up the box...yeah its heavy of course...then I put it back down and toss in all the spice that i could find. No need to leave flavoring behind. Besides, I got all these muscles just lying around, what's a few more pounds...and up with the box again, carefully putting it on my left shoulder for the moment, and i go outside and look around

Fury: I take note of all of the weapons I can see, including the bow and the arrows with it... silently trying to figure out how I'm going to get past all that personal protection he's got going on there... I am a Thief I am used to getting close to things without people noticing, I am a master at remaining unseen when I want to be. I note the box, and the obvious wait of its contents - I can use this to my advantage I'm sure.. one hand occupied gives me 50% better odds. I also note that he's left his right hand free... This tells me like most of Gor he is right handed. He's left his dominant arm available for protection. As he moves towards the door I flatten myself against the building... Hoping he doesn't happen to glance this way

Dalamar─O: I have a brief moment of conscience, and reach into where I put that stater, and hold it up to the light for a moment...a glint of gold...and toss it at the coin box with a nod at a certain corpse. "I don't need the change. I'll be back I'm sure. I'll recommend you to everyone." A snicker escapes my lips, then laughter at...the idea of paying a dead man, seriously overpaying. I calm down after a moment, not sure what happened there. One thing's for sure I've got to get out of here before I lose it

Fury: I held my breath as I heard his voice... he was talking to someone! is there someone else alive in there? I heard the gold hit the box before I registered the glint of it. as a Thief you learn the sound that coins make hitting various objects. She then heard him laugh - a maniacal laugh that sounded almost.... crazy. What the heck *was* going on here.

(to be continued...)