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Aloha, My Gorean Role Play Friends!

Current Mood: Good
Fury (*, *)
Female - 58 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2020-03-26 8:00:32 pm Category General Viewed 549 times Likes 4

New friends, old friends, yet to be made friends....Hope everyone is faring well. Drop a message in comments - let us know you're still safe and healthy. If you're not safe and healthy let us know to send a message to our chosen Power that be to help in your healing. We're all in this together folks. 


The typist behind Fury

2020-03-27 7:47:02 am
Alive and well here thanks, and no, we are not "all in this together." You dirty beatnik hippies are on your own! I have practiced "social distancing" for years now. I saw My neighbor the Bear yesterday, he was warming his belly in the sun by a stream in the lower pasture. When HE gets sick, I'll worry, but not before then. As always, the rest of you stay OFF My property, the dogs bite and those "No Trespassing" signs are also range markers. :D
2020-03-28 8:27:05 pm
It was a beautiful day here today and I'm enjoying "having" to be home. The solitude is quite peaceful and I've plenty of projects and plans to accomplish now that I have the opportunity to indulge in "nothing." My best wishes to you all.
2020-03-28 8:41:25 pm
I’m still working even though my place of business is shut down. Now I get to play doctor on top of my regular duties 🙄