Posted: 2019-10-01 8:22:30 am Category General Viewed 360 times Likes 2
Laughable at best offering advice to always make your voice heard while being a consistent perpetrator of silencing others. So by all means continue to hide behind half truths and closed blogs.
Name one person and the context in which I silenced them. I'll be more than happy to revisit those instances. Do try to be specific, accusations without substantiating evidence are baseless.
Every time you attempt to malign then close the comments you silence the accused by not allowing a response in defense. You are no better then what you preach against.
That's it? THAT'S your argument? I denied the people who consistently attack either woman the ability to do so on a blog posted solely for THEIR benefit? LMAO, yeah, you've got principles.
One can see why it is you and your playmate cower behind closed comments. It is the inability of either of you to withstand the onslaught of truth without resorting to vulgarity.
The truth is the absurdity in which you and your cohort insist on hiding your viciousness behind closed comments. Those victimized are the ones that have to endure the regurgitations of a person who refuses to accept the consequences of their own actions.