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Clarification please: Is RoG a different roleplay?

Current Mood: Content
Gaia (Gaia, *)
Female - Various, Other
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2020-04-27 5:21:19 pm Category General Viewed 448 times Likes 3

I didnt want to hijack the other thread and quite honestly it's something I really didnt think about since I'm not participating and saw it as "none of my business" - and might still may be depending on what answers this question generates:  

I assumed that since RoG was an offshoot of Gorean roleplay, that Gorean characters would stay the same, just participating in a different phase of Gorean existence.  That's how I understood the concept and while that might be incorrect too, it is what I gathered from the little I have read about it.  

My question is simple, without agenda and frankly requires litte more than a yes or no answer:

Is RoG considered a completely different format of roleplay (like Vampires or other characters) even though it is based on the apocolyptice demise of the Gorean world those typists used to inhabit? 

It's a little confusing to me, and though I am not particpating, I'd apprecite a simple clarification.which will also allow me to make a more informed decision in case RoG characters enter my regular Gorean roleplay. Are they there, or are they not?

Thanks in advance!

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2020-04-29 1:18:36 am
I understand what you're saying, but for me the parallels are too close. So if it's something like Gaia in regular roleplay and "bizzaro" Gaia in RoG that I can understand. A delineation between Gorean and Vampire roleplay I understand. What makes things go bad is when people aren't sure what things mean and start tossing things like "dualling" and "rules are rules" and eventually both the new thing, and the old thing become tainted by the same old BS. Just trying to head it off at the pass!
2020-04-29 1:28:48 am
Oh and the "bizzaro" reference is not saying RoG is bizarre, but a Seinfeld thing - an episode that one if them happens upon this restaurant and group of friends that are exactly like them, but exactly the opposite. I guess that's how I understand it? Worth a revisit if you have Netflix or something : )
2020-04-29 1:29:55 am
And on that note...