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Gaia (Gaia, *)
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Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2020-05-30 9:08:11 pm Category General Viewed 906 times Likes 3

Some inspiring scenes to be sure, and a reminder:  we do have power in numbers, we should use it wisely, and all protest does not have to be violent.  These people "demonstrated" by example - that coming together to fight a wrong is the best solution.  

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2020-06-02 1:28:32 am
I've got a friend who is white who had the cops called on him for parking his suburban attack vehicle near a public boat ramp across the street from some random old woman's house, and went off into Escambia Bay on his kayak. He was gone for an hour and a half, she made that officer sit there and wait for him to come back, and by the time he did? She had went off on some errand somewhere. So, it's not just blacks getting harassed because they're entertaining themselves publicly.
2020-06-02 6:07:40 pm
I know what people are referring to when they cite "white privilege" I'm saying I don't intentionally access it for my own benefit - and I don't believe it should exist at all. While I realize all people get "harassed" there's a disparity based on race and that's just a fact - one that also shouldn't be. What we can do: show we will not participate in any racially biased activities, especially when propagated by the men and women who have sworn to serve and protect. Respect goes both ways.
2020-06-02 6:15:48 pm
And just to be clear - I respect ALL law enforcement officer - they do an extremely difficult job - except the few who who seem to still be blinded by color/income disparity. Law enforcement can be positive even in the worst situations - if they choose to be, if they are trained to be. Good point about the training Dalamar, right on the mark.