[10:03p] Topic is: The Trading Post is a Gorean Market on the Vosk River, where you can get anything. Come in and either learn Gor and or roleplay Gor. Simply use your imagination.
[10:03p] Please wait and observe the room, before entering, and join into the roleplay. This is a Sanctioned Zone, Actions = Consequence. If You don't know please ask! A properly role played entrance will get you recognized. This is Gorean rp, if you are new to Gor, or are unsure please ask!
[10:03p] › Disclaimer: This room is a user controlled room. Rules for this room are set and enforced by this room's owners and hosts. Coc and ToU issues should be reported to the Helpdesk.
[10:05p] Auralee I was about at my wits end. I had travelled half the world, if not more by my reckoning and yet still... it was ellusive. I had looked near and far, left, right and at times upside down and still I was at a loss. I grumbled loudly and took stock of my surroundings. I remembered the Inn near the docks. I semi remembered the pouch of coin I had aquired from the drunk Male and I remembered nothing of what happened after the coin ran out and the paga stopped flowing, only that at somepoint....
[10:06p] Auralee I had mislaid my slave. Now that was not unusual for me however it had never taken me this long to find the darn thing again after the loss. Usually it turned up screeching about something or other or at the least, handing me something she had "mini me aquired" from somebody or other.
[10:08p] Auralee Sighing loudly enough to draw a glance from a Male standing on the roadside looking as lost as my slave currently was I gave him one of my best "dont even friggin" ask kind of looks as his open mouth closed and he decided against asking whatever stupid question he was about to yammer at me. Instead he looked up towards the Inn and set off in that direction. Good job too since I was in a really really really bed mood and a Male getting in the middle of that mood would not end well.
[10:11p] Auralee I walked towards where there seemed to be a rumpus amongst a group of vendors. Now knowing my slave this was possibly something she was in the midst of. She was after all mine which meant she had this inate ability to irritate the shit outta folks without much effort. I pushed into the group mumbling loudly and looked expectantly at what was stood there. Are you serious? All this commotion over a large and unsighly woman who appeared to have passed out cold.
[10:13p] Auralee No wonder this woman was out cold, the sheer effort of carting around those layers of blubber must have exhausted her heart into a semi concious state. I looked her over establishing if there was anything of worth that I should wait around for however, even I was appalled at the state of her attire. No self respecting woman would enter public spaces dressed like a Pirates hussie after a night on the town. I was hardly a self respecting woman however, I had self respect. I snorted and left the crowd.
[10:15p] › Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm is back.
tretch; border-image-slice:100%; border-image-source:none; border-image-width:1; border-left-color:rgb(156, 0, 156); border-left-style:none; border-left-width:0px; border-right-color:rgb(156, 0, 156); border-right-style:none; border-right-width:0px; border-top-color:rgb(156, 0, 156); border-top-style:none; border-top-width:0px; box-sizing:border-box; height:19px; margin-bottom:-3px; margin-top:-3px; vertical-align:middle; width:19px" />Bâsħîr¤PĦ¥¤ÇPؤÀdm moves around a bit, making sure my stock is in place
[10:15p] Auralee I headed back towards the Inn in hopes that perhaps I had chained it to a table leg or something when I was there or even better, it had been put to work in the kitchen and had plundered us a decent meal. Entering the Inn I squinted amongst the patrons who were making use of the free peanuts that had been laid out to attract the monkeys that sometimes visited such establishments.
[10:17p] Auralee Trying to look idly around I walked around the Inn looking under the tables and listening for the screeching that usually accompanied the heathen one. She was by far the most irritating wench I had ever come accross and I was not sure losing her had not been on purpose. Having exhaused the table legs I headed to the bar and ordered a hair of the bosk paga to try and clear my head. Perhaps then I would remember where I left the damned thing.
[10:23p] Auralee downing the paga I found myself a seat in the corner of the Inn with a clear view of the entrance. One never knew the kind of persons that might frequent this joint. I had heard stories of an unsighly and aging Outlaw that had been complaining about a wagon or similar.
I have to admit defeat and acknowledge that I have good and proper lost the irritating heathen. If found please return to me and I apologise in advance for the language that she may use, I taught her well it seems.