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Join Forces to Win

Current Mood: Cheerful
AuraleePg (Shari, *)
Female - Kilwinning, Scotland, Home again!, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Don't Like Labels
Relationship Status: Widow/Widower

Posted: 2022-08-29 8:00:51 am Category RolePlay Viewed 796 times Likes 5


Some common synonyms of join are associatecombineconnectlinkrelate, and unite. While all these words mean "to bring or come together into some manner of union," join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.

joined forces in an effort to win


The open weekend in the Lair was successful. We brought together some old faces, in name, not age lol and we spent most of the time without a single iota of roleplay. 

We reminisced about the "good old days" without the need to try and bring them into today and tomorrow, we all know that is not possible but what we can do is remember the days that were filled with honour, integrity, truth and passion and try to bring those traits into what we do today in Gor.

There were points of the day I found myself emotional when we talked about good people that had sadly passed, those who left Gor and those who just disappeared without word to anybody. I also found myself spending a lot of time laughing, quite often at my own expense as we talked about things that had happened in the past.

The day I was sledging down the hill in Vendara in a barrel beside Grym, the whole place in an uproar trying to get out the way of the barelling duo. Dalamar at odds with WTF was actually going on and us ending up taking out the whole very exquisite eatery near the docks (much to Penelopes' dismay) before taking off the dockside and landing in the water.  I think I actually cracked a rib laughing that day. There were at least a dozen people involved in the runaway barrel, whether chasing it, jumping out its way or re building the place after we left. 

Another time I showed off my ship "driving" skills. How was I to know there was an anchor to stop the dam thing. I careered over the top of a smaller vessel and landed up on the dockside having taken out the Port Masters viewpoint, two thralls and a Merchants vegetable stand.  On landing I managed to haul the anchor over the side and let ito go to demolish a cart, narrowly missing Lady Penelope herself (who was to know she was so nimble to jump that distance while screeching!).

There were various other things we laughed about, raiding Torvies weilding War Hammers, Irritated Wagon Folks with angry bosk, Savages from the Barrens ready to spear anything that moved and then the likes of me, a maniac Panther with no regard for anything unless there was coin, paga or candy in it.  

It didnt matter when we talked about past lives (not me, Ive only ever been iloriA and Auralee), kills that happened both in the battlefield and in one on one battles. Some won, some lost but all remembered fondly.

If we are to find anything resembling Gor again we have to join together, communicate, integrate and associate with each other. To build a strong Gor we need people in one Home building it to the point there are enough people to split into two Homes and so forth. 10 people all sitting alone in a Home will not make Gor great but 10 people in one Home working together will.

If we all work together, perhaps we won't bring back "the good old days" but we can have good days today, tomorrow and the next day.

For people that are new to Gor, curious, not sure what their place would be whether Free or slave, there are opportunities to observe roleplay, learn the roles and see where you fit.  You will always be welcome in the Lair as long as you make it clear you wish to observe. Read the John Norman books, visit websites such as AngelFire or thegoreancaves where you will find page upon page of information on Gor and its inhabitants.

Thank you WamphW, Valr, Thaniel, MadieV, Alina and the others who spent time in the Lair laughing and enjoying each others company.  I had a blast!



2022-08-29 9:33:03 am
As did I!
2022-08-30 3:27:36 pm
Lots of fun was had
2022-09-02 7:59:59 pm
It was a Riot, seriously loved it!
2022-09-03 5:17:12 am
me too, even if most of it was at my expense ! :D
2022-09-06 7:14:03 am
When are we doing it again?! Does the room have to be an official book Gorean establishment?? How about a settlement near enough to the Forest to accommodate encounters with Panthers and other forest denizens yet along the river or in the north plain somewhere's near a tabuk migration route? Asking for Meself AND maybe a friend...:D
2022-09-06 8:51:32 am
Heh Madie, good to see you again! We have Tyros opened every night in Buzzen. Sometimes a City will be an easier option for folks to hang out in as not everybody is build for the forests, or me for that matter LOL. Look forward to seeing You and Your ahem, Friend :D
2022-09-06 2:31:38 pm
Hope to see you there, Madie!
2022-09-06 2:47:50 pm
Ay-yi-yi, an island...well...lemme see what the cost of booking passage is! Slinks off to check da secret stash....
2022-09-07 2:00:45 pm
...with passage secured and safely ensconced 'pon a reliably stable craft, I watch the coastline of the mainland disappear below the horizon and look upon the expanse of the blue-green Thassa with a mixture of exuberance and trepidation. Tyros...I'm on Me way!
2022-09-07 2:22:40 pm
*Gets out the red carpet and hands the Dockmaster one of Wamphs silver coins (oopsie?) to make sure the Lady was treated well and brought straight to the City from the Port. Grins to Myself as I head back to make sure a feast is prepared in the halls.*