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AuraleePg's Profile

Current Mood: Cheerful
AuraleePg (Shari, *)
Female - Kilwinning, Scotland, Home again!, United Kingdom
Sexual Orientation: Don't Like Labels
Relationship Status: Widow/Widower

Updated: 2023-05-10 3:03:58 pm Viewed 592 times Likes 9


I am a Panther Girl who normally resides as Queen of the trees in the Gor Forest Lair.

Currently I am living on the Island of Tyros, in Kasra. 

I am currently wearing a short leather skirt and corset. I have leather bound from my boots to mid thigh which holds the sheath of the silver handled quiva (1) strapped to my Lft thigh (9" in length), the handle is engraved with the name Ilori. My hair is braided and bound with panther skin to save it being tangled or caught by Man or beast. I have leather strapped around my forearms wrist to midway. Within the leather strapping on my Rt arm is a  6" throwing knife(2), that was given to Me by Seven Outlaw. On the rt side of My belt I carry a sheathed sleen knife (3). I have also been seen carrying a hand crafted lightweight spear crafted by a Red Savage Chief (4). If leaving the Forest I always carry a bow (5) slung over My rt shoulder. The quiver of arrows is strapped diagonally across my back affording Me easy reach over my Lft shoulder. 


(1)"I had not thrown it hard enough, intentionally, to bring the point fully through the body. It is not necessary. The cast, as recommended, had been easy and smooth. The quiva itself, in its sharpness and weight, does the work."  Players of Gor   Book 20   Page 187

(2) "a throwing knife, of a sort used in Ar, much smaller than the southern quiva, and tapered on only one side. It was a knife designed for killing."
Assassin of Gor  Book 5   Page 42

(3) "She had now thrust her sleen knife into its belt sheath." Hunters of Gor Book 8  Page 32

(4) "Build up the fire," said the leader of the girls, a tall, blondish girl. How startling she seemed. She carried a light spear. She was dressed in skins."
Captive of Gor   Book 7   Page 118

(5) "Some call them the forest girls," said Ute. "Others call them the panther girls, for they dress themselves in the teeth and skins of forest panthers, which they slay with their spears and bows." Captive of Gor   Book 7   Page 82


"I was nothing with these proud, free, dangerous, brave women, these independent, superb, unfearing, resourceful, fierce felines, panther girls of the northern forests of Gor. They were swift, and beautiful and arrogant, like Verna. They were armed, and could protect themselves, and did not need men. They could make men slaves, if they wished, and sell them later, if they were displeased with them or wearied of them. And they could fight with knives and knew the trails and trees of the vast forests. They feared nothing, and needed nothing.
They were so different from myself.
They were strong, and unfearing. I was weak, and frightened.
It seemed they were of a sex, or breed, other than, and superior to my own.
Among such women I could be but the object of their scorn, what they despised most, only Kajira."
Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 128

"They make superb slaves. They bring high prices in the markets. They are only girls desperate to fight their femininity. When they are no longer permitted to do this they have no choice but to become marvelous women and slaves. A conquered panther girl is one of the most abject and delicious, and joyful, of slaves.” (Beasts of Gor, p.240)

"Panther girls are arrogant. They live by themselves in the northern forests, by hunting, and slaving and outlawry. They have little respect for anyone, or anything, saving themselves and, undeniably, the beasts they hunt, the tawny forest panthers, the swift, sinuous sleen. I can understand why it is that such women hate men, but it is less clear to me why they hold such enmity to women. Indeed, they accord more respect to men, who hunt them, and whom they hunt, as worthy foes, than they do to women other than themselves. They regard, it seems, all women, slave or free, as soft, worthless creatures, so unlike themselves."(Book 8; page 28)

"Are panther girls truly so strong?" she asked.
"Not really," I said. "Once captured and conquered, collared and silked, their thigh burned by the iron, thrown to a man's feet, they are as quick to kiss and lick as any woman. Indeed, they make superb slaves. They bring high prices in the markets. They are only girls desperate to fight their femininity. When they are no longer permitted to do this they have no choice but to become marvelous women and slaves. A conquered panther girl is one of the most abject and delicious, and joyful, of slaves." "I see, Master " she said.(Beasts of Gor)


I have had the honour of meeting several of you (Gor folks) in rl and will forever be grateful for those who have helped me along the way. Friendships outside of Gor are the special ones and to be cherished. RP will not affect these relationships, it is what it is, fantasy roleplay.

My life in Gor has spanned over 20 years. I owe much of who I am to a few special people. AJ You know who You are and why You are special to Me (Atriyan was my first M/s love and taught me a lot about myself) and that quiva you gave me, I still have strapped to my thigh and I still remember how to use it LOL. Seven, my Outlaw love, You gave Me the name AuraLee (My light)and Free'd me to be who I am today still, Pheonix You called Me Kitten, You still do.  WamphW You accept me for who I am, thank You.  Petra, We met and had a blast, it was a long time coming. Alina, a friend online and off, You will always be My girl.There are numerous others who have meant and still mean something to Me so to one and all, thank You for the friendship over the years both as a roleplay character and as a real life friend.

Keep it real people....just saying...

Love S