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Harkan's Blog

2017-03-29 10:03:00 pm by Harkan in category Lifestyle
A tavern that I one time called home is open once more.   Welcome to the KRB Tavern. It is located on Market Street in the heart of Koroba, tucked in an alleyway, but easy to be seen from street.  it is a traditional tavern. Come for drinking. Come for slaves dancing. Come for fighting. Come for the conversation while sitting on a stool at the heavy temwood bar that wraps along...
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2017-03-28 8:52:55 pm by Harkan in category Lifestyle
Your slave, alia, is chained within the confines of the KRB Tavern, and will remain there and as such until such time you come to my tavern, located in the heart of Ko-Ro-Ba. It is on Market Street, tucked in a nook. It can't be missed. When such time occurs that you arrive to speak with me, we can then negotiate her release.  I am Harkan. Proprietor of KRB Tavern
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2017-03-25 11:21:26 am by Harkan in category RolePlay
Please explain the rules of role play on this realm? Are Gorean rooms just meant for discussion? Do men just outright go into dickbag mode when they don't know another man who starts a role play entrance and gets greeted before the his first post, then questions if that is how done? (Mind you, in all fairness, I did come off ass-ish to an extent). Was Lidocaine right? 
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2017-03-14 11:11:33 am by Harkan in category Lifestyle
I be figurin' this a good time to introduce myself.  I am Harkan, just a man of Gor. I happened upon these parts through a Google search, and have no real expectation, just me, my personal belongings, and a simple mindset.  My camp moves, and frequently, mostly because I can't sit still for more than a minute, though, no matter who you are, feel free to stop...
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  • xPetraFWx: I remember KRB with a fondness, times past but good times, I cant remember you Harkan, wish you well
  • Aiken: Tal Harkan, May I inquire what she did to get herself chained up, I may need to discipline her, I...
  • Iskander: congrats, may it be prosperous and the taps never run dry!
  • Account Deleted: Congrats on Your new...or renewed...establishment, Harkan
  • Account Deleted: reads the words "go into dickbag mode"... considers but a moment then wanders off thinking all to...