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Can someone of Gor...

Current Mood: Mellow
Harkan (Harkan, *)
Male - 45 years old, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Single, and looking

Posted: 2017-03-25 11:21:26 am Category RolePlay Viewed 509 times Likes 1

Please explain the rules of role play on this realm? Are Gorean rooms just meant for discussion? Do men just outright go into dickbag mode when they don't know another man who starts a role play entrance and gets greeted before the his first post, then questions if that is how done? (Mind you, in all fairness, I did come off ass-ish to an extent). Was Lidocaine right? 

2017-03-25 11:21:46 am
2017-03-25 12:29:05 pm
I guess it all depends on the situation, We as a whole have become slack in the r/p ways, I came from a place where when someone entered a room, or reentered we would greet and regreet right away, then I moved to GCN and it was wait for entrance, then greet, now its a mix of the 2. so its damned if you do damned if you dont
2017-03-25 12:40:28 pm
"Rules" will differ from home to home as, I'm sure, will what is going on at any given time be it RP or discussion. People act like dicks every day, there is now rule that says one can't roleplay being a dick either. If you don't like the way you were treated, or don't agree with the behaviour of someone else, then as a Man of Gor your choice is very simple - do something about it or don't.
2017-03-25 1:03:37 pm
On the flip side, I'm sure if you can score some Lidocaine in RP and slips into a few botas of paga then everyone will have a great time!
2017-03-25 1:07:51 pm
I agree to that Wamph lol
2017-03-25 1:08:15 pm
Wamph, I do appreciate your feedback. As stated above, I probably came of as an ass. I was not intent on that. I am new here, it has been a long time, MSN was just dying out before I left. I don't know anyone here. Despite being told this was a good venue, I am not seeing much. I will consider the Lidocaine as an additive to my drinks
2017-03-25 1:11:51 pm
See that's the thing, it doesn't matter if you come off like an ass in RP, as a free man of Gor you can come off however you want to come off, do whatever you want to do and act however you want to act UNTIL someone takes offence and decides to put a stop to it. At that point, and only at that point will you know your place in the grand scheme of things. And the only person who has any say on that, just to be perfectly clear, would be another man of Gor. Not the free women who forget
2017-03-25 1:13:49 pm
the only reason they are not on their knees is because of the graces of people like You and I who allow them privilege of freedom, and certainly not the slaves who .. well kinda self explanatory that one. Until someone steps up and puts a stop to it then do as you damn well please.
2017-03-25 1:14:13 pm
Wamph. My comprehension of Gor is well preserved. llow myself to clarify myself. The point was to understand the mindset of the fellow Goreans of this realm so that I don't piss in the pool and end up being a one man band. I reckon I just remember friendlier atmosphere
2017-03-25 1:18:13 pm
Sometimes the pool needs to be pissed in every now and again ... just don't leave something floating and it will be all good
2017-03-25 2:00:39 pm
Hello Harkan.... Not all rooms are role play in buzzen. Sometimes you go in and role play and you find it is indeed all OOC discussion. You have to decide if that is what you want to engage into or find a room that is about the role play. Each room has their own rules and ways. You will find which ones you fit into and if your character even has the ability to participate in that area of Gor. There are a lot of good people in this realm of buzzen Gor and there are some not so good.
2017-03-25 2:02:48 pm
Remember the saying "Stranger means enemy" so people are a bit cautious when comes to a new person. It doesn't mean they are trying to be rude, but cautious of the role player. Good luck in finding a place that is perfect for you.
2017-03-25 3:30:14 pm
Of course I was right. Didn't you read rule 7?
2017-03-25 10:31:39 pm
My experience is that those who have to make rule that they are always right, are usually not so. In this case, I will say your rule was valid.
2017-03-26 1:14:44 am
The proof is in the pudding, my good man.
2017-03-26 4:54:41 am
reads the words "go into dickbag mode"... considers but a moment then wanders off thinking all to Myself, as I do.... "isn't that just normal mode for -most-?" ... hums a merry tune as I make My way back to My Forest....